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Important, but whatever.

The title?

La Lune des Lunas, if you couldn't tell is a use of the French (Lune) and the Latin/Italian (Luna) version of the word Moon. I'm using two versions in order to establish a clear distinction in their roles within my werewolf story. Luna, as y'all probably know, is often used in werewolf stories for a character/position within pack hierarchy, often being the subservient Alpha mate. That is still the case for this story, hence why a distinction is needed. FYI title roughly translates to: The Moon of Moons.

Luna vs Lune?

There's a difference between a Luna and a Lune in my story: a Luna is mated into their position, and cannot become a Lune; a Lune is born into their position, but if their mate is an Alpha, then they can become a Luna too. Every pack has a Luna, if they have an Alpha, but their is only one Lune per generation. A Luna is a leader not born into their position, and have great sway over their pack. Whereas, Lunes don't have a clear hierarchal position, so their roles in packs are fluid & undecided.

What is a Lune though?

A Lune, also known as a mother wolf, is a wolf (of any gender) that other wolves instinctually recognise as their own mother. Often this leads to adult wolves regressing into childlike states around the Lune, and have children forgetting who their birth mothers are. The lune has an instinctual need to mother and nurture other wolves. They are also incapable of having offspring; however, they do lactate, which begins in late puberty. (Please note: the Lune does not need to be pregnant to lactate, this differs from both human and wolf biology. Lunes are NOT able to get pregnant, or impregnate others)

Canis Lupas Dingo?

Dingos are Australian native animals, that through heavy isolation and environmental changes have become quite different to your average wolf. They are, however, of the Canis Lupis genus though.

What was meant by 'Heavily Influenced'?

Simply the pack has been heavily influenced by human society, so they are no longer wild in soul and free in mind/body, but instead are more individualistic and egotistical. This means they now have a clear hierarchal structure, similar to the typical werewolf structure. 1.Alpha/Luna; 2.Betas/Seer; 3.Gammas; 4.Omegas/pups/lune. In my werewolf world, different packs operate differently. However, for the most part, the majority of packs are collectivistic and love/affection oriented. They resemble real wolves more than humans and society.

Sean, main character: Canis Lupis Dingo is native to Australia. Thus, my MC is Indigenous Australian.

The Dingos Pack and the Forest Wolf Pack

The Dingos Pack is predominately Indigenous Australian. Those who are not, are Caucasian. The reason for the pack having lots of dickheads isn't to do with ethnicity, it's a combo of white-colonialism and the erasure of their culture, which in this case also disassociates themselves from their werewolf heritage. Other reasons being upbringing, family trauma, lack of medical aid, financial poverty, etc. Of course, this doesn't excuse their actions as everyone should take individual responsibility. This is dissimilar to many other Australian packs, definitely including other Indigenous packs.

La Lune des LunaWhere stories live. Discover now