last shot

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Lisa stares to the night sky from her balcony's new apartment, hand reaching for a new stick from the pack of her cigarette. She flicks her purple lighter as it's tip reached to create a smoke that calms her as the smell of it enters her nostrils.

~the day before~

"Bitches already left."

Lisa's eyes partly opened, scanning her whole place looking at it like somewhat a damp house. Beer cans on the floor, spilled coke on her couch, pizza boxes all over the place, melted ice cream, half consumed cake. She frowned rolling her eyes to the unpretty sight.

Her throat runs dry, stomach grumbling for food but at the same time, she doesn't feel the like to eat at all.

"This is stupid." Jisoo murmured, bringing the empty beer can to her lips. Once she notice it's empty after all, she threw it on Lisa's side targeting her cat that's peacefully resting on the same sofa.

The taller woman growls tapping the unbothered cat, coz Jisoo's aim is far enough to reach her target. "Not my fucking pussy you little hoe." She chuckles closing her eyes again, lips twitched up into a flirty smirk. She glance back at Jisoo's direction as the black haired woman still stares at her in awe.

"God, I'm so hungry" Lisa beams a little two way meaning but the latter got it anyway.

"Guess what? Me too."

~a day after.~

Lisa wakes up, her head almost breaking into pieces. Hangovers are always a bitch and Lisa was never, ever been friends with a bitch.

She groans pushing herself to move, walking her way straight to her bathroom. Only to feel between her legs are sore in a way she couldn't put into words.

It's not just that.

Lisa stood to her body size mirror seeing her nudity painted in colors: mostly in red, some turns violate already. From her throat, down to her neck, to the tip of her pinkish breast, trailing it's way to her toned stomach.

Somewhat an idea came into her head that fully explains why her body aches.

She smirks.

~thirteen days later.~

Lisa didn't had a nice day. Her boss, the old man whom she wished every night to die in his sleep, pulls a stunt to her again. Resulting for her to get fired as she burst right there, slapping the fuck out of the pervert's head.

Her head is still about to combust in anger but all of it vanished as soon as she received a text from Jisoo inviting her to Seulgi's place for a party.

Parties always cools the shit out of her considering she's having a bad day so she agrees.

But there's a catch. They'll go, only if Lisa was nice enough to fetch the latter..

The taller woman wasn't nice enough to be someone's driver. But for a party that she badly need, she might pretend for Jisoo.

Jisoo thought it was a peaceful drive all along until Lisa started tuning her music playing on it's highest peak. She sigh noticing the younger woman is stressed out. Like always.

But a loud ride isn't much helping when she's also having a book on her hands. The older woman suggested to lessen the volume of the music playing but Lisa's acting like deaf or pretending to be drown to her thoughts- didn't bothered.

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