🍃☘️Part 1🌿

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He was running as fast as he could. His feet hurting like hell, yet he couldn't stop, he needed to escape. He'd rather have a horrible pain in the feet than die. Or at least die trying.

Finally, he had reached the forest where the weird hybrid creatures couldn't follow him anymore. Those are basically cannibals but they're not able to see, their eyes being absent. Unfortunately, they can smell and feel when their meal is near them, but somehow they didn't have a brain. That was something impossible to think about because humans can't live without one. This kind of explains it, since they look like if a human and a cockroach were combined, but in reality, they were like that because some kind of virus had infested and killed almost the entire population, survivors being rarely seen.

George was one of them, to his surprise. 'Not for long' he thought to himself.
Strategically, he ran around the trees, one of the creatures grabbing his foot but he pulled it away as fast as he could. When it was the time he jumped in the tallest tree he could see and took out his gun, shooting them in the chest, that so because it was the only way they could be killed.

He rested his head on the trunk.
After making sure he was safe, he put it away and heavily breathed. "Fuck off". He needed to rest, but he was too near the cannibals' huts to stay. If you can call the remaining ruins of houses and holes underground where they deposit their dead food a hut.

George didn't have a base set up. He was a runner at most times, exploring everything he could, to get more information. He hoped he could somehow cure the virus, or at least provide survivors from it. He is not a doctor though.
He looked down at his now bleeding foot, quickly grabbed his backpack from behind and opened it, taking the medicine and bandages needed.
After covering the wound, he put his stuff back in.

The creatures may be dangerous and all, but they are too afraid to go deep in the forest for some reason. "It might be because of some radiation that affects them. I've heard that humans are immune to them, even though no one who's gone there ever came back. I need to explore it. Kinda scary but it's that or I'm going to die getting killed by these disgusting monsters." He talked to himself. Loneliness can drive people insane.

Making sure he was safe, he looked around and then at the sky that had a dark grey color. Something normal for the Earth nowadays. It turned into an impossible place for any form of life to live. Or at least that was what it was slowly but surely turning into. Obviously, it wasn't always like this. It all started somewhere.
To rest, he tried to remember how it was in the past. "Since when I was born to now, Earth was never a nice place, that of course because of people. They started to slowly ruin it, among themselves. Always thinking only about their own benefits, never having thought about the consequences. Typical for humans, to be honest." George explained.

Sighing he realized that he started to talk to himself once again. He buried his face in his hands and took some purified water out of his bag, taking a sip from it. 'I should get going, or those things are gonna come once again. It's now or never.'

Putting his bag on his back, he carefully got out of the tree and begun walking. He was slowly approaching the inside of the forest, with his eyes peeled. It was not long until he realized that the atmosphere changed. The toxic smell of smoke and burnt sugar had then turned into a fresh forest air. To his surprise the trees there were not burnt or cut down, some of them having actual leaves. "I'm genuinely impressed by how people didn't reach this part of the Earth. It's just like some sort of magic keeps them away." Something really rare, he was wondering how that was even possible.

After one more hour of relaxing and peaceful walks, he reached what seemed to be a camp. He peeked from behind a tree, and watched in confusion as some sort of human figure could be seen making a fire, or something like that. He needed to go closer, but he couldn't risk getting attacked. To make sure he was protected, he took out his gun and slowly approached. Taking more steps, his heartbeat rising. He then realized that the other one was an actual human. 'Another survivor!' He thought to himself in excitement. 'What if they're friendly? I should probably try to greet them, I don't want to seem like I'm here to steal or to kill... I need someone, a possible friend, for my mental sanity. The Apocalypse or whatever the hell this is just started, and I'd like to believe that there are still sane humans.' The person had a source of light in their hands. George then was sure that it was a human since they were the only ones who had light as a resource.

With no regrets, inhaling, he shouted at him, waving his hand in the air "HEY!!! WHAT'S UP?!"


Hey! This chapter was pretty short, but it's more of an introduction to the story.
I will upload the other person's point of view as well. In some hours :)
Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the story so far!

Locked and Lost // Gream/DreamNotFoundWhere stories live. Discover now