This Could Be Intresting

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I looked at her all the way home, it was strange id never seen someone that small. I turned to my father his face still pale as a ghost I wondered if he missed mommy too. It was quiet when we got home daddy oppening the door and leading us in, i almost expected her to come out from the kitchen and this be all one bad dream but she didnt . "Why don't you go watch some tv while I go get some milk for your sister?" I nodded my head to him and walked to the living room sitting on the coach and stretching to grab the remote off the table. I flicked the on switch and instentionly wished I hadn't. There was a family a mom, a dad, and two little children who were playing with there parents. I threw the remote back onto the table caushing a huge crashing sound and pressed myself into the corner of the coach tears filling my eyes. My dad came running in the room, he didn't have to ask what was wrong one look at the tv and he understood. He wrapped his arms around me pulling me closer as I cried into his shoulder. His voice came low," Shhhh, its okay Felic I miss her too but she wouldn't want us crying shed want us to be happy." I raised my head to look in his eyes," but I wanna see her its not fair." I crossed my arms looking down till my father raised my eyes back to his," One thing you'll have to learn is life isn't fair theres gonna be good and there's gonna be bad the trick is figuring out how to live through either." I hugged his waist not uttering a single sound and we sat there in complete silence till sounds of a crying baby came from the kitchen. My picked me up taking me into the kitchen with him and sitting me in the chair next to Elanie. She stopped crying and looked up at me her eyes shinning brightly I stuck hand out grabbing her tiny hand in mine. It wasn't long before I releaised it and my father came over giving her a bottle and setting down a peanut butter and jelly sandwhich in front of me. I ate it slowly watching what he did, she was like a real life baby doll. The word sister rolled around in my head, sister I had one now and the though slowly made me smile I was determined to be the best big sister I could be. My dad caught my stare and he placed her in my lap moving one of my hands to hold her and the other the bottle. I watched as she continued to eat I looked up at my dad my smile big and my eyes wide. I was going to help him after all she was my little sister.

A/N- I changed her name to Elaine instead of Elaina I just think it matches better and also wohoo! I finally uplodaed something sorry this is so late I'm afraid theres been a lot of things going on but I'm gonna try and uploaded a update for every story today and set a day which each story will be update on my page. Hope you liked it!- Elle

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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