Why Freed and Laxus are soulmates

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Warning: This essay can and will include spoilers for Fairy Tail. Also if u hate Fraxus, GTFO of this chapter, you won't wanna read this.

Fairy Tail right? That one anime where almost nobody's sexuality is 100% confirmed so you can pretty much ship anything in the series. Well thanks to that rule, I'm one of those people that ship some of the gay ships hoping they'll happen. But there is one exception to these kinds of ships that are mostly in the Gray area(had to). Fraxus. The only LGBTQ+ ship in FT that really has a chance of happening. But yet, I still see Miraxus more often. But, Fraxus are meant to be together, at least in my eyes. And I have evidence for that: so here it is!!!

My first point is centered towards almost the whole Battle Of Fairy Tail arc. In that arc- Freed knows what Laxus is doing. He knows that Laxus is tearing apart the guild, he knows that Laxus wants to take over the guild, and he's completely against it. Yet, he does it. He follows every single order that's given to him. But as the captain of the Rajinshuu, Freed technically had the right to stop Laxus. Sure, Laxus did sort of threaten Freed because of it. But that's AFTER he agreed. Only after he agreed, Freed showed signs of not wanting to battle everyone else in the guild. If that's not true love, I have no idea what is.

My second point is their ship moments. Sure, most of them are one-sided, sort of. They consist of Freed begging Laxus to do something for him mostly. But there are times where Laxus shows affection back. One of my personal favorites is episode 268, where Freed is washing Laxus' back and Laxus asks him to "wash him all over his body" 😏. But Laxus in the Alvarez arc in general shows quite a bit of affection for Freed. I MEAN. HE LEARNS FREED'S RUNES. Also, I remember him only saying "Freed and the others" when mentioning the Rajinshuu. Literally never mentioning Bickslow or Ever. Sure, this last part may just be platonic, but Laxus is super consistent with this.

The last point I'm going to make is based off of the Laxus harem. The last episode states that Laxus has been shipped with many many girls. They even mentioned Miraxus, the most popular Laxus ship. That got.. debunked. They also mentioned Laxanna and Canaxus. Those two were implied they were also debunked. Which means that the majority of the popular Laxus ships were so. But Fraxus wasn't. Possibly a hint from Mashima that they're gonna be canon.

All in all, I personally believe that Fraxus will most likely be canon. They just have such a close bond and just seem genuinely interested in each other. You can make your own conclusions about this ship, but I think, with this evidence, they're just meant to be.

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