She saved me pt2

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Alastor's mind was blank. He got up and walked out without another word. He felt so many emotions that he didn't know what to feel. He didn't use to feeling so many things at once. It made him feel sick.

He felt his brows knit something he was use to. But his smile seemed to dip as while only for a moment. He didn't want to believe it. Charlie ran after Alastor. As Alastor turned, a glitch happened. Charlie saw a glimpse of what Alastor would look like if he was reformed. Her breathing stopped for a bit too long. "Ms. Charlotte, is everything alright my dear?" He questioned.

Charlie blinked and let out a little laugh. "Yeah, I kinda forgot what I was going to ask you. I'll leave you alone until I remember!" She said and walked towards her office.

As she walked in she smiled. "He's changing and doesn't realize. That woman managed him, does she even know? Should I warn her?" Charlie felt helpless but decided to look into the woman's life. She found a clean slate, but her death date. It was supposed to be today. She looked at the time and the time in the book. She skimmed to relations. Her eyes widen. "She...has a child." Charlie felt hot tears in the corner of her eyes. "

Fuck!" She yelled and threw the book. Angel walked in. "Char-" he stopped talking once he saw Charlie's pale face. He walked up to her and put a hand on her shoulder. "What's a matter?" He asked. Charlie only sighed.

"Someone saved Alastor tonight, she is going to die..B-but the child will survive." Angel was confused. "I don't see why that's a-" Charlie slapped him.

"SHE'S GOING TO END UP HERE! ALL BECAUSE SHE SAVED SOMEONE!" She screamed at him. Angel's eyes widen.

"Charlie, please breathe. I apologize for not knowing." Angel said carefully. He wasn't use to Charlie acting this way. "I'm sorry for not explaining calmly and hitting you," she said. Angel brought her into a hug and sighed.

"It's okay, your stressed out and angry about it. But maybe we can save her?" Angel asked. Charlie looked up at the spider and looked at the clock. "Tell Vaggie they'll be some not so dead guests arriving soon," Charlie said in a cheery tone before leaving. Angel dust walked out of Charlie's office and down the hall.

Vaggie was walking towards charlie's office. Angel stopped her. "She's gone out, and I should have stopped her. But you know how stubborn she can be, but there will be some not so dead guests soon." He chuckled.

Vaggie only kicked his shin. "OW!" He yelped. "Fuck that hurt!" He was then on the ground.

"Oh come on I barely even touched you!" She chuckled and rolled her eyes. "You better hope she's not in any danger if not I will kill you without hesitation!" She yelled.

Angel stood up and slotted. "YES'EM!" he yelled.

Charlie never did this before and tried not to get distracted. But she was determined to get the small family safe and sound. As she walked, she noticed it was quite dark but it didn't bother her much. She turned her head and smiled. She found it. She ran up to the house and knocked. A soft groan was heard and then a shuffle. The door opened. Before (Y/n) could say a word, Charlie put a spell on her that temporarily put her to sleep. She then heard little footsteps coming down the stairs.

The little boy walked up to his mom. Charlie smiled. "Are you here to protect my mommy?" He asked Charlie softly.

Charlie gave a weak smile. "Can I came with?" He asked her. Charlie snorted and nodded. Charlie then used her powers to float (Y/n) off the ground. The little boy was amazed and giggled. Charlie picked up Luca and created a portal she made sure that (Y/n) went in first. She turned around to make sure no one would get in she put a spell on it. The only one who may enter until the man who planned to kill her was dead. With that, she walked into the portal. The patrol quickly closed behind them.

Alastor was in his room, getting ready for a day out. Yes, it was morning in hell. He didn't feel like getting out of bed. But he did otherwise people would question it. He looked at the picture of (Y/n)'s past lover. "Why, does he seem so similar to husk?" He began to think. "No, impossible...unless he had another the past life besides.., " That is absolutely preposterous!" He yelled. He laughed at thinking of it. "Silly absolutely silly!" He laughed again and folded the picture and put it inside his pocket. He fixed his hair and kept on his smile. He walked out of his room and dusted himself off. He hummed and made his way towards the lobby.

{Meanwhile in the lobby}

Luca and (Y/n) were sound asleep. Angel dust smiled at how sweet they looked. Charlie looked at Nifty and asked her to make some breakfast. She nodded and ran off. (Y/n) yawned and looked down at her child and smiled happily. She hugged him a bit closer. She looked up and her eyes locked with Husk. (Y/n) looked at Charlie calmly and smiled.

"Can you take Luca for me," She said with a smile Charlie nodded a little confused by the request. But took Luca from her and walked towards the rooms.

She looked at Husk. She took a deep breath in and out. Angel and Vaggie each gave each other the "I don't know" look.

She took a deep breath."You may have not been the greatest grandfather towards Henry. But you still were one towards me. Thank for treating my family with kindness." She said to him. Husk's eyes widened. "(Y/n)?" He asked in his usual gruff tone.

She only nodded. "Henry was never me. That's why I wanted you to know what he did behind your back." He stated and pulled up a chair. "Sit kid." He gestured. (Y/n) started to cry. "It was hell, haha, so many fights happened after you died. I was pregnant...I never told Henry. He didn't even stay long enough for me to tell him. After he was told that no one of your blood-related family was going to get it. He left. I knew he cheated on me. I was going to confront him. But that never happened....and for that baby...his name is Luca." She sobbed.

Husk hugged her. "I'm sorry that you had to deal with that piece of shit." He said. She laughed and let go of him.

"My whole family just wanted my money. You made my last few months bearable. You would check up on me read me stories about wars and sneak me a few beers." He chuckled. "Even taught me how to paint. That's why you got my money, my house, everything. Because you actually treated me like family. " he finished.

Vaggie and Angel have their jaws on the floor. Wait, wait, wait, how can ya recognize him!?" He's a cat for fuck sakes!" he yells. (Y/n) laughed and gave them an answer.

Alastor was walking towards the Lobby when he spotted Charlie walking with the little infant in her arms. "Charlie don't tell me you stole a toddler." He said with a chuckle. Her eyes widened as the toddler woke up and turned towards Alastor.

Luca giggled. "Hello, Mr. Allan!" Alastor's eyes widen. His heart warmed with joy. "You aren't scared of me little fellow?" Alastor asked.

He shook his head. "You made my mommy smile, why should I be afraid?" Alastor smiled at the boy's words.

Then he looked at Charlie with respect in his eyes. "Your not the type to interferer with one's death, But I'm glad you did." He said in a serious tone. Charlie saw it again and felt fear. She didn't want to lose a friend. But she knew one day she had to let go. She then swallowed her fear and sighed.

"Can you watch him? While I do some paperwork?" She asked and he nodded taking Luca into his arms, with that she left them alone.

Alastor chuckled. "Have you heard of the guy who invented the Knock, Knock Joke?" He asked Luca. Luca shook his head. "He won The No Bell Prize!" Alastor delivered the punch line with confidence, which made the little boy scream with laughter. 

 He heard sobs and laughter something he hadn't heard in a long time. He kept on walking, pretty soon every one was in view. As Alastor locked eyes with (y/n) his life felt completed. Charlie walked up behind Alastor with paper work in her hands. " They'll be apart of my next life right?" He asked softly. Charlie smiled. "Only if you'll allow them to be."

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