Chapter III

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Monday arrived faster than I thought it would've. I looked at my clock. 

Monday November 9th, 9:10 AM. 

I probably overslept. But if I did dad would've woken me up. I got up and went to the living room and saw dad on the couch. 

"About time you woke up. Get dressed and gather your things. We're living at 9:30." He had a harsh tone to his voice, almost as a fuck you kind of voice. Maybe he didn't sleep much last night. I ignored his tone and did as I told. 

Uncle lived 30 minutes away from dad's house if you took the short way. Taking the long way made it 3 hours. Uncle lived on a huge property. He had woods around his house, a little farm land, and a mansion like home. He was definitely the rich one in the family. However, he wasn't nice at all. He is a widowed, his wife past in a shooting. Last time I saw Uncle, was at his wife's funeral. And even then I barely saw him there. I never knew Uncle's name. Dad never talked about him, and when he did, he never stated his name. He always talked bad about Uncle, I didn't know why. Uncle was always more successful in life than dad.
We arrived at Uncle's house sooner than I thought, but I slept 90% of the ride. Dad quickly got out the car and banged on the front door. I got out of the car, gathered my things, and went to stand by my father.
The front door opened. A tall man stood in the door way. He had brown hair and eyes. He seemed very well. He had a cigarette in his mouth.
"Hello brother." My dad choked on the last word.
The man nodded and stared at me.
"'Dis the girl?"
"You gave me a lousy fucking girl to look after!?" He threw his cigarette down and held up his hands. He was trying to aim for my father's throat but dad held his hands.
"Matt. Please. I need you to take care of her. I don't want my child anymore. I don't care what you do to her, just take her." Dad shoved me into uncle.
Uncle looked at me, pushed me to the ground. Dad watched and gave Matt money. Dad got into the car and drove off.
"Get up off the ground."
I got up to my knees. My body was in pain.
"I said get off of the fucking ground!"
Matt kicked me. He took of his belt and hit me repeatedly. I screamed and cried for help. But no use. After 10 hits, he disappeared inside. I laid on the ground for a few minutes and slowly got up. I was in pain and could barely walk.
"Ma-Hey. Where is my room?" The man was sitting on a black couch in front of a TV. The room was dark, so I couldn't tell what else was in the room. He held a beer.
"Upstairs first door on the left."
I turned and walked up the stairs.
"And call me Matt." He muttered something else to himself and I left it at that. I found my room. Everything was so dark. I found a light switch and turned the light on. It looked like an old attic someone decided to turn into a room.
I dropped my bags and slowly put my things away. I heard yelling down below but thought nothing of it. Few minutes later I heard a gun shot.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2020 ⏰

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