Still Living Inside The Aftermath

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"What are you doing?" Mark asks, coming up to stand behind where Jack's sitting at the table, writing on a piece of paper. Jack looks back at him and smiles softly, "Writing a letter for Signe."

Mark's eyes soften as he moves to the seat beside him, "How are you planning to get it to her?"

Jack sighs, "I don't. I've been doing this for awhile, usually when everyone else is asleep, but today I just.. Couldn't wait."

He stares down at the words he's written, "It's kind of.. It just makes me feel better when I really get to missing her.. I know she'll never get my letters, but I can't stop writing them."

Mark puts a hand on his shoulder, "Hey, maybe one day you'll be able to give them to her yourself."

He looks up at Mark, "Do you think.. She's still alive?"

Mark doesn't want to outright lie to Jack, because the truth is he just doesn't know. He cares about Jack a great deal, so the last thing he'd want is to hurt him. But a little hope should be okay. So he sighs, squeezing Jack's shoulder gently, "I really don't know, Sean. Though, even if everywhere is just as bad as here, she could still be alive, hoping to get letters to you, too."

Jack smiles softly, looking back at his letter with teary eyes, "Thanks, Mark. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Mark pulls back and Jack continues writing. Felix walks over a few moments later with a smile on his face, "You guys hosting a party without me?"

Jack laughs softly, wiping his eyes before turning back to his friend, "Of course not. We all know there's no party without you."

"Damn right," Felix grins before joining them at the table. He props his arms up, resting his head in the palm of his hand, "Ken's helping Nate deal with Stephanie's baby, so you guys gotta entertain me."

Mark chuckles softly, "How would you like to entertained?"

"I dunno," he replies, leaning back, "Anyone got any cards or anything?"

"Nope." Jack replies.

Mark shrugs, "Sorry, man."

Felix sighs, "Didn't think so. You know, the apocalypse can be so boring."

"That's not even funny." Jack states.

Felix raises an eyebrow, "Wasn't trying to be. It's just a fact, I'm bored when there's nothing to do. I know we fear for our lives and all that, but the zambies can't get into the house, so there's no need to worry about that for now. So we're back to how bored I am."

"You don't know if the house is fortified enough to for sure know if the infected can't get in." Mark explains.

"So, we'll fortify it," Felix shrugs, "Really, the house is pretty safe."

"So fortify it and you won't be bored." Jack says, snatching up the letter he had been writing and storming off to his room. Felix blinks, looking at Mark with confusion, "What did I do?"

Mark sighs, shaking his head, "Just give him space, he's having a hard day."

He stands and smiles softly at Felix, "Wanna help me fix the fence outside? It'll help fortify the house, and you won't be as bored."

Felix stands, grinning lightly back at him, "That still sounds boring."

Mark chuckles lightly and gestures for his friend to follow as he heads for the front door. Felix follows him outside to where it seems fortification of the broken fence had already been started at some point. There's a few nails and hammers lying in the frosted grass. Cold wind blows around them, the sky is bright but cloudy. Light snow flutters about, Mark shivers as he picks up the hammers and hands one to Felix.

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