Why didnt you save us?

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A/N: a lot of this will be dialogue but still the same:) enjoy!💙

Lucy could've sworn her heart stopped beating for over 5 seconds, she wasn't prepared for what was to come next and neither should she have been.
Keira: Lucy, are you going to talk then or just stare at me?
Lucy: Um sure Kei, here or somewhere else?
Keira: you think I'm moving? We're talking right here, right now. We're over, yano as in finished, done!
*Leah and Jordan stood there watching and spat their gin out as they laughed*
Lucy: w..w..what? Kei, I'm sure whatever I have done to upset you, or whatever is wrong with me, we can solve it. I love you, you love me, you know we are meant to be.
Keira: Oh cut the crap Lucy, things haven't been the same since the day you left us. The day you left us for 'better people, a better team and a better life'. Nothing has felt right. You've changed and I don't like it, you're pretty much useless. You stress me out beyond words, you make me angry and I can't be assed with you anymore. It's done Lucy and that's final.
Lucy: *wiping a tear* b..b..but
Stan: come on now Kei, that's not fair, she was just saying how...
Keira: I don't know why you're getting involved stan when this relationship is nothing to do with you and lemme guess? She was saying about how I mean the world to her? Whatever.
*leah and Jordan stood there, giggling away, letting their best friend Lucy be treated like absolutely nothing, like she didn't belong there, like she shouldn't belong there*

Stan could see the heartbreak, the pain, the discouragement in her best friend's face. How could she sit there and watch that?
But, before she knew it, Lucy had answered that question for her and she no longer had to watch it. Lucy sprung up, tears streaming through her freshly applied face paint that all 5 girls had got, and started shoving. Shoving past crowds like she'd never done before. She didn't know, nor care where she was going, but she had to leave, how could she be celebrating pride if her own (ex) girlfriend doesn't take pride in her?

Stan got up and glared at Keira, Leah and Jordan. Out of all the lionesses, she could never imagine these three doing such a horrible thing to their teammates, their best friends. She started shoving too, trying to trace Lucy's tracks, but it was already so difficult. Could Stan find her in time?

On another note, apologies for this one being short! There's more to come in the next chapter so had to shorten this one! Hope you're liking it so far!

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