The rest is yet to come

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'Excuse me, please let me through' Lucy shouted are every stranger she struggled to get past, tears streaming down her face.
The stones beneath her feet, waves crashing against her legs, Lucy stood on Brighton beach, not a clue what to do with herself. Should she just run completely? Should she hide? Or should she just completely break down?
She chose the third option. Tears falling quickly, Lucy fell to the ground, crying out for Keira. She'd never been through something and not been able to tell Kei, this was a whole new feeling, and already worse than anything she's ever felt. And her own best friends too? Leah and Jordan had always meant the world to Lucy, but they just stood there, watching her heart shatter, laughing. Had they just not liked her? Had they been waiting for a moment she breaks to show the real them?
'Are you ok love?' Lucy felt a hand on her shoulder, which made her jump. She turned around to a little old guy, must've been fishing in the water next to her.
'Yeah, yeah I'm fine thank you.' Lucy said as she wiped a tear and stood up. Then, she started running again.
Stan had been searching for Lucy for about 30 minutes now, but there was still no sign of her, anywhere.
'Excuse me, you haven't seen a women go past have you? She's late 20's, about this tall, brown hair, beautiful?' Lucy stan asked every person she passed, but no one gave her the answer she wanted, she just couldn't find her best friend, and at that moment, there was nothing more she wanted to do.

37 missed calls? Come on Bronzey, answer me, Stan thought

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37 missed calls? Come on Bronzey, answer me, Stan thought. Where on earth could she be? Brighton is a big place, but not a big enough place to lose someone like Lucy.
'Hey, my name is Lucy Bronze, I checked in earlier with some other girls? Well I'd like to get a new, separate room please if that's ok.' Lucy told the girl at their hotel's reception.
'We've got a room free 2 floors above where the other girls you checked in with are staying?'
'Yeah that's perfect, can I take it please?'
'Of course ma'am, here's you key, enjoy your nights stay!'
'Thank you so much!'
Lucy took her key and jumped into the lift, wishing she could just be sat at home on the sofa, cuddling Keira and Narla. She never should've suggested coming to pride, none of this would've happened, she'd still have the person that meant everything to her, and she'd still have her best friends. She couldn't help but feel this was all her fault.
Once she arrived at her room, she launched her things and threw herself onto the bed. Grabbing a pillow and putting it over her head, she screamed, and cried some more. However, she knew she couldn't just keep crying, she knew she had to do something to take her mind away from it, but she thought keira would change her mind in the morning.So, she went for a shower, a long, burning hot shower. She did a face mask, she dried, and curled her hair. Lucy felt like the old Lucy Bronze she used to feel like, the Lucy Bronze she hadn't felt like for such a long time. Could this have been a good thing?
Lucy was getting thirsty, she'd planned just to go out to the pride after party to take her mind away from Keira, so she did her make up and everything.

Her glass of wine had ran out, so she went down to the bar to get one more before leaving the hotel

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Her glass of wine had ran out, so she went down to the bar to get one more before leaving the hotel. Well she was leaving the hotel until she saw what saw and heard what she heard.
As she came around the corner of the bar, she heard the laugh that she knew so well. Keira's. Maybe she's doing the same thing, Lucy thought. That was until she heard best friend's and other friends' laughs. Stan?
Leah: nah her face was priceless though, she was like what the hell is going on? *they all laugh*
Keira: Serves her right for leaving us all just to go to France
Stan: still could never find her, you reckon she's gone to a gay club or something? *they all laugh again*
Jordan: sounds like Lucy, that girl has badddd attention issues, you've got out good Kei.
*they all laugh and cheers their glasses*

Stan? Her own best friend. The only person she thought would always be there and stand up for her, and now she's left her too? Keira had only broken up with her 3/4 hours earlier and she already felt so isolated, so unwanted. She got in that lift and sprinted back to her room. She quickly tied her hair up and ran to the toilet. It was there that she threw up. She just couldn't believe everything that was going on. Why were they so destined to ruin her, so suddenly?
Lucy removed her makeup, pulling vigorously at her skin with the wipes, but she didn't care, the pain was nothing compared to how she felt inside. Once she'd put her pyjamas on, taken of her makeup and put her hair up for bed, she yet again, threw herself on the bed, burying her head under a pillow and screaming. What else could she do? She had absolutely no one to talk to anymore. Not Keira, not Stan, not anyone, so she had to get it out alone.
After having a screaming session with the hotel bed pillows, Lucy lay down, just catching up on Instagram. But that didn't help, and she didn't know why she thought it would. She searched #wonze and watched all of the edits fan accounts had made for her and Keira, why? Because she appreciated all the support they had been given . But of course, that was never going to help anything. So, to cheer her up, she decided to go through her camera roll. Pictures and videos of Narla, the lionesses and the Lyon squad never failed to make her smile. Although, this didn't work either. She had no idea how many photos and videos of her and Keira/ Keira alone on her phone. Does she delete them? Does she keep them? What's she supposed to do?
The thought of this just fired her out and drained her completely. She set her alarm, turned up her ringer, switched her phone off and settled down, ready to sleep.

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