Staring Contest

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Sinister's POV

Valentine was right were I left her, laying down in our little spot gazing up into the night sky....

She looked so peaceful, so beautifully mine.

She had on a white dress that moved gently with the wind.

"That was quick." She smiled up at me.

"Yeah...I just had to handle some business." I replied nonchalantly.

I laid down beside her. She climbed on top of me.

"Was it Bliss?" She questioned.

My sister seriously talks way too damn much.


She stared into my eyes, and slowly smiled.

"Can you tell me about her?"

"No." I snapped.

She asks too many questions...

"What is she like?" She continued,

"Nothing like you, that's for sure." 

I pushed her off of me.

"What's that supposed to mean!?" She replied, clearly irritated.


"Listen darling, you are ornamental to me. Nothing more. That's how you two differ. She's functional, you're ornamental. You're here to please me. That's it. This relationship is only to be surface level. Got it?" 

It's really hard to deal with other supernaturals.

They aren't as submissive as humans, which can be irritating. 

Valentine is something special to me...but she doesn't need to know that.

She sat there quietly...she's hurt. 


Valentine is a teenage girl, after all.

Becoming a vampire only heighten those hormones, unfortunately. 

"Take me home." she said, trying to sound firm. But she clearly is on the verge of tears.

"Fine. If that's what you want." 

I walked over to her slowly.

She looked so beautiful laying there, pouting.

Weak...I love it.

I'm a sucker for weak women after all. 

I picked her up and just like that, we were in her bedroom.

"You can go now."

She wouldn't make eye contact with me.

"Valentine...grow up. I am not yours. don't belong to anyone. I can have whoever I want, whenever I want. And that's how it will always be. You belong to me, not the other way around. So stop your fucking whining. I am not obligated to share anything with you. Don't ever mention Bliss to me again or I will fucking kill you. Understood?"

She stopped crying. She stood up to finally face me.

"Good girl..." I smiled.

She walked up to me and wrapped her tiny arms around me in a tight embrace.

"You have a heart...I can hear it beating. Why do you always have to be so cruel?" she whispered.

I grabbed her chin and forced her to make eye contact with me. 

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