# Chapter 24: His intiative

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I have no idea how this turn out.
Sorry if it's not up to your expectation, because I myself is not satisfied with this short 😅


Part 1

It was weekend ka var after a very stressful week. The week which the other people might have enjoyed but two individual hate a lot. They never thought that they would get in such an ugly argument. They still were unaware that how come they ended up hurting each other in such a manner, they both were so deeply hurt due to each other. This everything started last weekend ka var after Siddharth got to know that Paras had bad mouthed Sana’s father, he didn’t appreciate the fact that she forgave him so easily but didn’t even share to her that he was hurt due to it. She tried to talk to him but he just said that he didn’t wanted to talk to her because he didn’t like people like her. Though deep down she knew the reason behind his anger was her talk with Paras, he was hurt that Paras committing such stunt still he holds soft corner in her heart. His insecurities again building up, that she valued someone more than him. 

He was jealous, processive for her and only for her. He somewhere was waiting for her to pacifying him the way she always did but seems like Sana was in no mood to go and talk to him. She didn’t try to pacify him, one of reason was that she had always told by others to maintain her self-respect and now she was maintaining it. But he was getting affected, it was hurting him that she didn’t came to him and ask him why was he angry? Why was he not talking to her? She affected his mood to an extreme level and due to it he ended up fighting with Asim. He was getting affected; she was affecting him to extent that he never experienced before. The thing hurt him more was she didn’t come to him the way she always did.

She had said him once that might be, she is angry on him but if he will be in any such situation, she will come running to him. Forgetting all her anger and pain as for her he is important than anything else. But that moment she didn’t came to him, does it mean she was giving up on him? Does now he hold no value to him? Here Sana wanted to go towards him but didn’t wanted anyone to again point out that she is losing her self-respect. But finally, she gave in and took one step to talk to him but he again did a blunter, brining those words out of his mouth. That she was not of her own parents, this statement had hurt her to the core. He thought about her like that? He too judges her like others? He too was like the rest? She was deeply hurt and made it clear that if he doesn’t know about her life then don’t comment on it too. 

Siddharth too realized his mistake that in his frustration, he went overboard. Her eyes said it to him but he was the person who even if realized his mistake won’t accept it in front of the person, he was guilty for his deeds. He thought that he got an opportunity in that nomination task, he would save her giving a wonderful speech making her happy too. He knew that small things could make her happy and his this small gesture would create wonders for her. She though was hurt but also knew that he never meant what he said. She too was waiting for nomination, she wanted to see who he would save. She wanted to know does she holds important for him? And deep down she knew that he would choose her. But destiny had some other plans, due to which he misunderstood the task and thought that they could chose two people and intentionally took Aarthi’s name first knowing well that that would hurt Sana but when he was going to say the other name, he got to know only one person should be chose. 

This made her lose all hope on him and them. She was deeply hurt as she thought she was again rejected and that feeling hurt. On the other hand, he was well aware that he made a mess, mess that was going to be difficult to sort out as she won’t listen to him not now when she was highly pissed on him. And Aarthi was adding more fuel to the fire, she was so happy that Siddharth chose her over Sana that she was not able to digest the fact and moved to Sana trying to make her feel weaker. The next day they were in talking terms but didn’t sorted the things which hurt them the most, neither did Siddharth told her why he was not talking to him nor did he inform her about his decision of saving Aarthi. One more task came making worse for them as they were playing the task in opposite team. He was not able to see her supporting his opposite team and she was not able to see him competing against her. 

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