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The first week of classes passed quickly and Harry was glad for the weekend to finally be there. Most of his classes were fine, but he was struggling with Potions. It wasn't that he couldn't make potions, he could without Snape breathing down his neck. It was that all the potions in the room overloaded his senses, especially the double periods. Considering that some people still couldn't follow instructions, the room had hundreds of different smells. Romulus had even begun to retreat to the back of his mind during Potions. And that felt weird, he had gotten used to the second presence at the front of his mind.

Defence was another problem. They had moved on from werewolf lives to what to do if they encountered one during a full moon. And even though Remus was a werewolf, the advice was the same that any wizard would give you. Kill them. This made it hard for Harry to sit quietly in class and listen, Romulus having to move away before he took over Harrys body. He was listening to the last father figure he had left, say that if you come across a werewolf on a full moon, its better for both of them if the werewolf dies. He had to sit through his class, his friends, brainstorming ways to carry silver on them in case they ever came across a werewolf.

Most girls said wear silver rings, bracelets and other jewellery. The boys suggested silver belt buckles, and knives in their shoes. Hearing all these plans, Harry felt sick to his stomach. His friends would willingly kill him. Maybe he should research ways to prevent silver from harming him.

On top of that, after reading his essay on werewolf lives, Remus had held Harry back after class to ask how he knew everything he did. Apparently, saying that he had always been interested in werewolves wasn't an acceptable answer, as Remus just looked at him before dismissing him. Other than that, his first week hadn't been that bad.

His arrangement of sleeping in wolf form was a good one, especially when he couldn't escape the common room early enough for a run. Romulus had agreed that 8 hours in wolf form was as good as a run.

Harry was sitting in the common room, reading his werewolf laws book when Hermione approached. He marked his page and closed his book, looking up at her.

"I was wondering if you are sure that we can't see your room. I really want to at least see where it is, just in case we need you in the middle of the night or anything. I'm sure if we ask McGonagall, she will understand. And were best friends, nothing would happen," Hermione said. Harry sighed. He wasn't getting around this.

"I actually asked McGonagall after Transfiguration yesterday and she agreed that you and Ron could see my room, but nobody else. I tried to convince her to allow Neville and Ginny too, but she said two people. Apparently, more than that and I would have to sleep in the dorm again. I just hadn't gotten the chance to tell you or Ron yet."

Hermione seemed to accept this answer and went to get Ron, where he was talking with Seamus about something or other. She managed to pull him away from the conversation and they came back to where Harry was still sitting.

"So, can we go see your room now mate?" Ron asked and Harry nodded. Hopefully he could hide the dog bed before questions were asked. And the door to the forest.

He led them along the halls, to the Room of Requirement. He asked for his room, adding for the door to the forest and the dog bed to disappear, hoping the room would comply. The door appeared and he opened it, standing back to allow his friends access.

"Welcome to my room." His friends stepped in and looked around. Thankfully, the room had listened to his requests and there wasn't a door leading to the forest, or a dog bed at the end of his bed. His clothes were still in the wardrobe and his other things in the bathroom.

"The Room of Requirements," Hermione breathed, looking around the room he had created.

"I didn't think it would still work. Not after what happened during the battle," Ron said. He shrugged.

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