6.5 (The Debate)

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So, this chapter doesn't really contribute to the story. It is mainly about the debate over werewolf laws that the seventh years did during DADA. Someone asked for it to be included so I have done my best to provide. I will say now that I am not the best at debates, and know that this isn't the way debates normally work, so would be happy for any feedback on how to make this better.

Harry walked into the DADA classroom and sat down, slumping in his chair. He wasn't looking forward to the class today. Remus had told them last lesson that this would be their last lesson on werewolves and would be a debate, which would cover their grade for that section of the class.

Romulus had already retreated in his mind and he felt empty without his wolf there. He had thought he would get used to the feeling of Romulus retreating, given that it occurred in DADA and Potions, but it was still a weird experience. He still felt empty, like a part of him was missing. And he couldn't understand how many werewolves always existed like this, with their wolf always supressed.

The rest of the class settled down as Professor Lupin walked in, heading straight to the front of the classroom. He turned to face them, hands on the desk behind him that he was leaning on slightly.

"Alright, who's ready for this debate?" he asked. There was excited murmurs around the class and the professor smiled.

"Alright, I would like you to separate into two sides. Anyone arguing that the werewolf laws are good and need to be there, or that werewolves are beasts, to the right please. Anyone arguing that the laws are bias and do nothing for society, or that werewolves face too much prejudice, to the left."

The class split up pretty evenly. The right side consisted of the Slytherins that were in the class, as well as about half the Ravenclaws, a few Gryffindors and one or two Hufflepuffs. The left side consisted of almost all of the Hufflepuffs, majority of the Gryffindors and the other half of the Ravenclaws. Harry didn't comment as he moved to the left, knowing that there would always be people that thought werewolves were beasts that didn't deserve to live or work.

"Alright. Who wants to start?" No one put their hand up, so Remus looked around the room before deciding on his target.

"Daphne, why are you on the right?"

"I believe that werewolves are savages who could prevent the unnecessary spread of the disease by not coming into contact with respectable witches and wizards, meaning that any job they hold could put normal people at risk." And so, it began.

"That's not true. Werewolves are forced to change once a month and they do everything they can to keep others safe, locking themselves up to prevent others getting bitten."

"They are always out for days surrounding each of their transformation meaning that businesses have less staff for those days, costing them more to employ extra staff to cover for the werewolf. It would be more cost efficient if werewolves didn't hold the jobs to begin with."

"They can't help their condition and without work they have no way of recovering from each transformation. The more medical help they get, the quicker they can get back to work so that they can support themselves and any family they have."

"They are a threat to society."

"They are normal witches, wizards or muggles that can't help having their condition. They didn't ask to be bitten."

"They are savage beasts that aren't capable of holding a job."

"They simply have a furry little problem that makes them sprout fur out of their arse once a month but doesn't interfere with majority of the year." That one got a small laugh out of Remus.

"They are taking the jobs that belong to respectable people, not filthy half-breeds." That got a small growl out of Harry as he remembered Umbridge.

"They are normal people too and don't deserve the discrimination they receive."

"They are suited for society; they are pariahs."

"They are revered in many countries for being touched by the moon and are allowed to run free. Only Britain regard them as pariahs."

"They've always seen as pariahs and a threat to our society. ore people are being bitten each year."

"They are becoming more repressed each year and it is causing them to have more trouble controlling their wolves, which is leading to more people being bitten. If they were respected and didn't feel the need to repress everything about their wolf the number of people being turned would drop significantly."

"They are mindless beasts that don't belong anywhere near humans."

"They are humans almost all of the time. And they have the wolfsbane which allows them to keep their mind during transformations."

"They don't deserve to be in our society or hold jobs where they could harm anyone, especially children."

"They don't want to be bitten and do their best to keep others safe even if it causes them to be hurt."

"They aren't safe to be around. Anything could happen. There is no such thing as a tame werewolf."

"They are perfectly safe to be around minus once a month when they lock themselves up to prevent others being harmed."

The noise around the classroom started getting louder as people tried to talk over each other, trying to get their points made, trying to get the other side to see reason. Professor Lupin shot a loud bang out of his wand, similar to the firecrackers Professor Dumbledore had used in Harry's first year when everyone was freaking out about the troll.

"Alright, settle down everyone," Professor Lupin called. The class quietened down, and all turned to look at their professor.

"Alright, that was a very good debate. However, I think that we should bring it to a close because the same arguments seem to be being used over and over." Everyone nodded and headed back to their original seats. Once everyone was sitting again, Professor Lupin addressed them again.

"Did anyone hear a point raised that showed them the other side of the issue?"

"I never thought about the fact that they didn't ask to be bitten," a Ravenclaw said.

"I hadn't thought about the fact that some people have only heard that werewolves are savages because of how they have grown up."

"I never realised that some other countries revere werewolves."

"I hadn't thought about the consequences of missing work due to the moon."

"I forgot that the wolfsbane allows werewolves to keep their minds during transformations."

"I didn't think about the consequences of forgetting the potion, especially if they are around children." Professor Lupin nodded.

"Those are all very good points. Now that we have all heard good points from both sides of the issue, is there anyone who would change their opinion?" A few people raised their hands and the professor nodded at them. "Why?"

"I have always been told that werewolves are savages and that they are intruding in our society. That's all I've known. I hadn't ever thought about it from the other side of the argument."

"I thought that everywhere regarded werewolves in the same light that Britain does and that that must be the truth."

"I hadn't thought about the reasons that the laws are in place, or the reasons that businesses didn't employ werewolves. I had only thought about the discrimination. I don't think that werewolves are pariahs, but I understand why the laws surrounding them are so harsh."

"I hope that we all learnt something today and that you all enjoyed the debate. Class dismissed," Professor Lupin said. The class stood and exited the classroom, everyone talking about the debate.

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