Chapter 1

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The month of Iltry was ruthless. The forest was blanketed in a light coat of snow, but she knew it wouldn't remain that way for long. Kira shivered at the bitter wind's touch, wrapping her cloak around her slim body. Snow fell from the darkened sky, clinging to the ice blonde hair and the clothing she wore. The forest was beautiful during the winter, despite the unforgiving chill in the air. It never snowed a great deal which was perfect. She recalled fondly of days as a little girl, jumping in the snow and watching Ronan cast a spell to make a crown of snowflakes for her. Now she sat atop the roof, watching the snowfall and staring at the moon which peeked behind the trees.

Her breath clouded before her as she heaved a sigh. Her butt was beginning to ache the longer she sat on the roof of the manor. She felt the presence of another before she heard their footsteps. Kira whirled around to face a young brunette girl hauling herself up onto the roof. Her gloved hands pressed hard against the frigid cement. She brushed off the snow from her chocolate hair and trudged towards her.

"I thought I'd find you up here," Cassie spoke against the gentle wind. The girl settled down beside her, snuggling close to keep them warm. "Stuck to the roof yet?" A small puff of air escaped her lips.

"Not yet," Kira responded, wearing a small smile.

"Ronan told me to get you. Dinner's ready." The smile vanished. She kept her gaze locked onto the scenery in front of her. Cassie understood the message of her silence. "He's not mad at you. He's just... worried." She gave Kira a meaningful side glance. "I was worried. I thought something would have happened to you."

Guilt slapped her in the face as she avoided her friend's eyes. She swallowed the lump in her throat and instead focused on the former answer.

"Was he worried his plan was ruined?" Cassie shook her head.

"No. Worried about you seeing... him. Or him seeing you." Ronan was the only one who knew the full story and she planned on keeping it that way. The sorcerer made his promise to never reveal it. She didn't want Cassie to worry more than she already did.

"He didn't. I made sure of it." The lie was bittersweet as she said it, prompting the fresh memory to resurface.


The kingdom was in chaos as the fire spread wildly, killing everything in its path. It left destruction and burnt corpses in its wake. Kira gripped his hand tightly as she bolted through the hallways. The palace was left untouched which could only mean the Shadow King was here. Prince Kal of Ellnare stumbled frantically behind her, eyes wide with fear as he watched his subjects fall.

"Where are my family?" He called out to her.

"Your Highness, I have to get you to safety-"

"Please! We can't leave them!" Kira paused long enough to take in his desperate state. She bit her tongue and sighed.

"We'll have to find them quickly though. I don't know how long the palace will remain untouched." She hurried him along. "Any clue as to where they might be?"

"The throne room, I guess. I find them there sometimes." Kira hadn't left Ronan's manor for years, the entire world was a mystery to her. These endless twists and turns were not helping her panicked mind. She let the prince guide her. She could hear screaming now and the suffocating smell of smoke. Prince Kal picked up his speed and Kira sprinted to catch up with him.

"Mother! Father! Ellie!" He shouted over the roaring fire. The throne room door was wide open engulfed in flames. Despite the excruciating heat, they edged closer, catching a silhouette. He was dressed in black from head to toe, sneering as he stood in front of the two thrones. Another man caked in charcoal cradled a body wearing a frayed, pale blue dress. King Arlan and Princess Elizabeth. The princess looked... dead. Queen Amora was nowhere to be found, except...

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 08, 2021 ⏰

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