Male Sableye x Fem Buneary Reader (Smut)

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Warning: this chapter contains blood, obsessive, and sexual violence, if you are sensitive to this topic then don't read this ok? It's for your own safety and i'm feeling mix of weird and wrong when i'm writing this story. Also sorry if you hate this. Now on to the story!


You were a adult Buneary who didn't want to evolve Lopunny like the others cause you want to stay that way, plus it's easy for you to hide from predators and humans, and you like your fluffy fur too cause it's very comfy to be honest. And today though you were running away by a Houndoom who is chasing after you, wanting to kill and eat you for lunch as you hop down the hill in sheer panic for your life. Then all of a sudden the ground start to crumble down below you causing you to scream as you fall down and landed to the ground, resulting a broken left leg from the fall. You scream in pain as tears start to run down from your eyes, feeling your leg as blood slowly comes out.

"Dammit!" Said the Houndoom in anger for losing his meal before running away to go find for food again, leaving you alone in this darken cave that sent shivers down your spine but you were too busy to the pain. Everything was so blurry, until you see a blurry figure comes out from the darkness before everything turn black.

You slowly woke up and stare at the ceiling with crystals which made you confuse because you remember there was a hole in the ceiling that you fall down right? You tried to sat up and realise you were sitting on a flat rock and you saw your left foot was covered in bandage to prevent blood from coming out again. "W-what?" You said in both confuse and surprise as well. You look around your surroundings and notice crystals popping out from the walls, and some of them must've eaten by someone when you notice a small crumbs of red gems scattered around the floor making a mess. "Where am i?" You said to yourself.

Then you heard footsteps and gasp so you turn around and saw a male Sableye with darkish purple skin, cracks of gems in his eyes, pointy long ears, a single red gem in the center of his chest, and some gems on his back. He was carrying some food in his arms and he was surprise to see you awake. "Y-you're awake? T-thank god you're awake, i thought you won't be w-waken up soon!" He stutter but he was relief and walk towards you. "I-i brought you some food y-you like, um... w-what's your name?" Sableye said while tilting his head. You were silent for a second before you finally spoke up to him. "I'm Y/N by the way, and you're the one who uh..." you pointed at your bandage foot and he nodded to you before putting down the food. "I-i saw you in the ground bleeding s-so i quickly help you out with s-some bandage i-i... found a long time ago..." Sableye pause his talk as if he was thinking about something until he spoke up again. "A-anyways, w-what happen to you when y-you get hurt?" You look down and said. "I've been chase by a Houndoom who tried to eat me until i fall down to the ground that's why..." Sableye was surprise but felt sorry for you after hearing your story.

"I'm s-sorry to h-hear that Y/N..." you gave him a small smile and said. "That was ok. Plus you help me out when i got hurt Sableye, so i thank you for helping me." Hearing this cause him to blush and smile sheepishly. "W-well no problem Y/N!" Then you heard your own stomach grumble in hunger, then Sableye handed you a apple and said. "H-hear's a apple! I h-hope you like it." "Thanks Sableye!" You grab the apple and began to eat it.

You decided to stay with him until you get better for a while, and Sableye was good at telling jokes which makes you laugh of how bad but good the joke was. You and Sableye talk to each other whenever you got bored, you tell him about yourself that you didn't like evolving into a Lopunny for a reason, and he was next to tell a story about himself. "I-i use to have a-a trainer of my own, h-he cared for me l-like the others. But t-then one day i-i was defeated by a-a trainer's p-pokemon that is m-much larger than m-me, he beat m-me up and s-shattered my eyes f-from his attack b-but somehow i still s-see clearly a little bit. M-my trainer was d-disappointed in me, so he decided t-to..." Sableye lower his head suddenly. "Abandoned m-me here..." after he finish his story you were left in shock and sadness as well. "How long have you been here?" You ask him, "2 years..." you couldn't believe what you are hearing. He was abandoned for 2 years? And his trainer didn't came back? Suddenly you hug him which made Sableye's surprise. "I'm sorry to hear that Sableye, i didn't know you gone through like this..." Sableye went silent until he hug you back and you comfort him when he broke into tears.

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