Attitude - ( Bad attitude... but.. it hot )

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Jisoo playing with her pen while thinking how she want to pay her house debt. If she can't buy it, where she and Jiyun will live? With Rose and Chanyeol? No. She don't want to be a burden. She know the siblings will allow it kind uncomfortable.

What she have to do? She have to raised her child. She have to pay everything. Since Jinyoung gone...her life mess. He never left a single money for her. Even a little bit. He just left his memories in Jisoo mind and scars on her heart.

"Jisoo!! Snapped out of it!!" yelled Jin. She startled and realised how closed Jin face with her. She stare at him with wide eyes.
"What are you thinking so deeply??" Jin asked. She stand up immediately and fix her clothes.
"N-Nothing. Anyway, since when you come??" Jisoo asked.
"I try to call you but you didn't answer. So I have to move my legs." said Jin.

Jisoo mouthed 'o'. Jin throw two files on her desk.
"Complete this work first. I have to go out." said Jin.

Can't you give me politely?? Stu*id.

Jisoo look at him.
"Where are you going?" Jisoo asked.
"None of your business." said Jin. She rolled her eyes.

So rude...

Then, Jin put his hand on the table and leaned his face closer to her.
"Don't do that again. Finished this work and be a good girl. Okay?" Jin asked. Jisoo can feel her face become hot. She just nods slowly.
"Good. " by that, he walked out. Before he step his feet out, he look at Jisoo and wink at her. Then, he close the door.

Jisoo finally let out a relief sigh. She touch her face. She wondered what happened to her?

Ughh....I think I'm crazy. I admit it though...he hot. But his attitude is bad.

She shake her head and sigh heavily.


"Hyung!!! Over here!!!"

Jin look at the owner of the voice. He smirked and went to them. He fist bumped every one of them. He sit with them. Sounds of club song is really turn them on plus with soju smell.
"What's up hyung?" Jimin asked.
"Great. I have the secretary that I want." said Jin. Jimin let out a chuckles.
"Don't tell me the secretary that you said the one who catch your attention?? " Namjoon asked.
"She is. I asked Chanyeol to change." said Jin.

They say congratulations to him. They know Jin want her.
"Hey, hyung. If your secretary have a friends, ask her to introduced them to us." said Jungkook.
"I'm out..I have one girl already in my heart." said Taehyung. He drink his soju.
"Who?" Hoseok asked.
"Secret." he said. Hoseok just rolled his eyes.
"Actually, what I know is, my secretary doesn't have many friends. I only know one. Her name is Rose. She is Chanyeol little sister." said Jin.

By that, Jimin spilled his water to Yoongi. He groaned frustratedly.
"Argh!! Jimin!! What is wrong with you!!??" said Yoongi while wiped his face.
"I'm sorry, hyung. Wait. Repeat the name again." said Jimin.
"It Rose. Why?" Jin.asked.
"She's the one who got pass in audition!! " said Jimin.

Jin smirked at him. Let's say, all of them smirked at him.
"Didn't you who owner of the company that held the audition? And you're the one who accept her right?" Jin asked.
"Her voice is really good. No more than that okay." said Jimin.

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