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I woke up around 9:00, so I guess I'm not going to school today, and its Friday anyways. Nash wasn't in the bed either. But he was on the ground. I started laughing, but stop when I saw him move. I guess this was my chance to get out, so I ran out the door, and back to my place. Of course my mom wasn't home and I just went on my phone and asked Britney to bring all my makeup work.

The time school was over, Britney came about 30 minutes later with the work.

"So why didn't you come today?" She asked

"I woke up late" I told her, and I wasn't completely lying I did wake up late.

"Oh okay"

After she helped me finish my make up work, we went to the mall. We both got some new make up, uggs, and some sunglasses. When we went to Starbucks, and left. I dropped her off, and went home. When I got there my mom was just walking in. Great I have to deal with her now. I went inside.

"Where the hell have you been" she asked me harshly

"The mall with Britney" I said with attitude.

"Just go to your room, and don't come out"

"I was going there anyways" I snapped

"Don't talk to me like that"

"Whatever" I said and ran to my room.

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