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Third person point of view

"does taehyung...beat..you?"jin asked sadly "no..no hyung he do-dont beat m-me" jungkook said well again he lied.

"why are you lying jungkook..last night when I bought you here you were soaked in rain water so I tell my maid to change your clothes he told me you have bruises on your body" jin said kinda mad and sad for his baby brother

Jungkook looked at his clothes and he was wearing his clothes that he left after his marriage. And just look down

Jin again said "jungkook why did you not tell me I never knew that basterd was beating you why did you hide it" jin asked "hyung calm down I don't tell you because I don't want you to get upset" jungkook said

"little princes dont you remember when we were kids I would never let anyone hurt you so how can I let him hurt you and by not telling me you make me more upset" jin said

"hyung don't worry I'm fine , don't be sad plz" jungkook sad "HOW CAN YOU BE FINE..if you are living with that monster who hates you" jin said but when he does not get any answers from jungkook he sigh and said

"OK atlest eat something" he said and jungkook nodded then start eating
After 20 minutes of chit chat and eating breakfast with his brother jungkook said "I think I have to leave now thank you for the breakfast hyung" he get up and start walking to main gate.

"wait jungkook I will take you there I'm going to company " Jin said "OK hyung "

After 15 minutes they reach to taekook house jungkook invite his brother but he refuse because he was running late he bid bye to his hyung and went inside the house


Stay healthy and happy eat well

My cold husband - Tk ✔️Where stories live. Discover now