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Third person point of view

Jungkook took a shower and choose a blue dress he did his hair and a little bit of make up he was looking extremely handsome and hot "why is taehyung like this today he looks worried ahh leave it" jungkook said and went down where taehyung was waiting for jungkook

"waaahh you-you look beautiful" taehyung said staring at God's masterpiece jungkook was shocked because taehyung never compliment hin before but he decided to ignore it and said "let's go" and start to walk

Taehyung point of view

I lied to him he is not looking beautiful because he was looking extremely handsome and cute yeah taehyung what are you thinking he is jungkook because of her bae left you I should hate him but why am I faling for him? I'm a monster right? Look at him he look week and barely eat or smile because of me...ahh but I can't fall for him because of him bae was sad and left me bae is my first love I have to hate him...Aish dad will soon hand his company to me then I'll leave him and will live with bae

Third person point of view

After 25 minutes they arrived at the party usually jungkook don't like going in parties but this party is from Mr choi and mr jung are step-brothers it means this party is for hoseok he is jungkook childhood friend he was studying in Japan and came back after 3 year's

Once they enter inside everyone kept looking at jungkook he was looking like a angel he is used to it cuz this often happen cuz he always looks like a angel

They decided to sit on a table "I'll go and meet mr choi" taehyung said and went away jungkook was scrolling his instagram when someone hugged him from behind


Hey lovelies stay at home and keep smiling

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