Some stars are bright,yet some remain dark
Bright ones always light your way
But I as a star too dark
Need someone to bright my day
But as luck clearly states it
We were never meant to be
There are no fairytales,there is no cupid
All love leads to tragedy
Now you are further than the stars I see
Nothing left of you,nothing left to feel
My heart is at bay
with nothing to love,nothing to crave
Day and night I repeat your name
I scream and fight,'Is this a joke?Is this a game?
This brings me back in time
When I was yours and you were mine
Oh,how the love we shared
Oh how much we cared
You took me away from my miserable life
To a world with laughs not cries
You taught me grief can be replaced with something better,something brighter
You soaked away the burden and made me lighter
You were always full of glee
You ate away the darker side of me
Now I cant help but wonder
That my life is stuck in a thunder
and I cant overcome the fear
Life's too useless to bear
They say I'am crazy
They say iam stressed
But no,
The thing is IAM OBSESSED!