Chapter 4

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Aliyah ended up borrowing the book on Fabled Warriors.  She read it multiple times, wanting to know more about it.  The odd thing was that every single time she did, it seemed like more pages would add.  More of a new story would be written.  And she tried to keep up with it.  She figured out that there had been seven Fabled Warriors, and that the seventh was still alive, but in hiding.  And she was determined to find them, let the Alphas know, something to know that Anulias would be safe.  She studied the seventh story, the one that seemed to be writing itself.

It told about tasks, about whatever training they did, their story.  Aliyah read their story, wondering about them, though she didn't quite understand it.  That was probably because there was a large gap in the middle.  It went from when they were about ten immediately to when they were eighteen.  Aliyah was trying to figure this out for a few days when Falcon walked in.

"Aliyah, we have someone we'd like you to meet."

She spoke as she stood, setting the book down on the desk in front of her, "And who would that be?"

"Remember the name Aaron?  And the picture of him that Leo showed you?  This is him."

"Oh, ya I remember him."

Falcon nodded and led Aliyah downstairs.  There, a man was standing and chatting with Leo.  He had brown hair that had been dyed a royal purple at the ends and eyes as green as emeralds.  Noticing Falcon and Aliyah coming downstairs, he turned to look at them and paused what he was saying when he saw Aliyah.  Aliyah became awkward as he studied her, looking amazed by her half-folded wings until he walked up to her.

"I think you are one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen."

"And why would you think that?"

"Because I've never seen someone who not only looks rare but also holds themselves the way you do, especially with those wings of yours."

Aliyah's left ear flicked and she completely folded her wings.  Aaron poked the ear that flicked.

"These are real?"

"Of course they are.  Why wouldn't they be?"

"Because, I've seen people with different wings, but never wolf ears and tail.  Do you have a wolf form?"

"I... wouldn't remember.  If I do, it's been too long since I last turned.  Why?"

"Because your fascinating," he paused. "Oh, wait, I'm sorry.  I've been studying you because I'm a doctor, so it's always amazing to see people with new features.  Where are you from?"

"Me?" Aliyah thought for a moment.  She had to remember, but she couldn't think of the name.  "A... distant kingdom.  I can't remember the name but, well, I came here at about 18."

"Oh.  Well, then it's no wonder you're so different from us."

She raised an eyebrow and he continued.

"Every kingdom has different features in its people.  Ours tend to have wings.  Another will have magic.  The one you come from may have wolf features and one of your parents or ancestors may have happened to come from Anulias.  But, that raises the question: Who?  Who were your parents and why did one of them have galaxy wings when no one else has?"

"I... don't remember my parents.  They're lost to time and memory, unfortunately, so, if you could find out, I would be very surprised."

"Do you remember anyone, any name or face, from before you came here?"

"Well, of course, there was Greely and my husband and... daughter..." Aliyah drifted off before she could finish her sentence.  Aaron waited for her to continue when she suddenly shoved by him and burst out of the door, taking deep breaths as she spread her wings and took off, towards the ruins of an old and broken down castle.  She needed air, she needed silence, she needed to think.  To remember.  To throw aside who she once thought she was and remember a time before the Phantoms took her over.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 09, 2020 ⏰

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