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It was evening, after Draco and Harry's detention, and everyone had finished eating dinner and were ready to leave when Dumbledore stood up. The hall went silent.
"Seeing as it was a great success 2 years ago, we are bringing back the yule ball. However this year all students are invited. The ball will take place on Friday the 19th of December and starts at 8 pm so dinner will be at 6pm. All 1st and 2nd years are to be out by 10pm. All 3rd and 4th years are to be out by 11pm and the ball will end at five minutes past midnight to leave room for the midnight mistletoe." Some excited noise started up at the mention of midnight mistletoe. Harry looked at Hermione for help. She rolled her eyes.
"Midnight mistletoe is a rare magical occurrence where mistletoe will grow over soulmates with a really strong bond at midnight." She explained.
"This year," Dumbledore began make everyone quite again " both muggle and magical formal wear are to be worn. Any further information will be posted on your house's notice board. Now, off you all go to bed. Night night!" Dumbledore concluded. Everyone got up and went to their common rooms, buzzing with the thought of a Christmas ball.
As Harry, Ron and Hermione entered the common room, they were hit by a wall of excitement. Everyone was crowded in the common room even the first years. Harry couldn't even hear himself think. He looked over at Hermione and saw her pull out her wand and point it at her throat while muttering something. A moment later her voice boomed out and rang through everyone's ears
"QUIET!" Everyone instantly went silent. Hermione then muttered something and her voice went back to normal volume.
"Thank you. Now, it's late. First to fourth years go up to bed." Alot of people were about to protest but Hermione spoke before they could.
"Now. And I don't what to hear a peep from you as you do so." Hermione said sternly. All the first, second, third and fourth years shuffled up to the dormitory. All the remaining years ,fifth, sixth and seventh, just stared at Hermione, silently. They knew Hermione the longest and non of them had ever seen Hermione like this. Hermione sat down on the sofa by the fire some third years had just vacated. Ron sat next to her and Harry next to him. Ron was looking at Hermione differently to everyone else. Their faces were mostly all scared but Ron looked at her in awe, his eyes shiny. After a minute, everyone resumed their activities.
"Sorry for that. I just can't stand chaos." Hermione apologised.
"Hermione go to the yule ball with me?" Ron asked. Hermione looked shocked but a second later she smiled. Ron started rubbing the back of his neck
"I mean, last time I only asked you as a last resort, but not this time." Ron said confidently looking directly into Hermione's eyes as he did so. Hermione just smiled brighter and hugged Ron. Hermione pulled away after a few seconds.
"I'd love to." She smiled making Ron smile.
"Ginny, where are you going?" Hermione suddenly asked looking at the portrait hole. Harry and Ron looked over and saw Ginny with her hand inches from it. Ginny jumped and rubbed the back of her neck.
"I've ... um ... got a migraine. So I'm going to madam pompfee to see if she can fix it." Harry and Ron could tell she was up to something but Hermione could see right through her.
"You have 30 minutes to do what you want to do. I want to see you back here at or before 10pm" Hermione told her. Ginny smiled and quickly rushed out of the common room.
"Where is she going?" Asked Ron
"To meet someone." Said Hermione knowingly
"Anyway ,Harry, who are you taking?"
"I know who I want to take it's just a matter of whether or not he'll say yes." Harry's eyes grew wide as he realized what he said. Ron and Hermione too looked shocked.
"I'm bi." Harry admitted before Ron or Hermione could ask.
"Dude, I'm proud of you. It takes guts to admit to something like that." Ron patted Harry on the shoulder.
"Me too," said Hermione "and you know, the LGBTQ+ community is slowly getting recognized in the Wizarding world but many people are scared to come out because alot of magic is quite traditional and many people have that mind set and don't like LGBTQ+ people for that reason." Harry and Ron looked in awe. It's not that Harry hadn't thought about it but hearing it from someone else wasn't easy.
"Maybe you should make an LGBTQ+ club or be an Agony aunt for people who need advice." Ron scoffed at the idea of another club but Harry liked the idea of being an Agony aunt. Of course he'd have to ask Dumbledore about it, but he was sure Dumbledore would agree.
"Yeah. I like the idea of being an Agony Aunt. Or should it be A-gay-ny Aunt?" The all laughed at the joke. "I'll go ask Dumbledore in the morning after breakfast."
The three of them laughed, talked and joked for the next twenty minutes or so. It was at five to ten when Ginny came back through the portrait hole a wide smile on her face and her tie undone. She walked straight to her dorm room.
"What was that?" Ron turned confused to the other two.
"I told she she was meeting up with someone."
"That's her information to give." Hermione replied sternly
"Come on please." Ron pleaded
"I expect you'll see at the ball."
The three continued to talk for about ten minutes before they went to their dormitories and went to sleep.

~ I'm sorry about not posting, homework is killing me and everything. I'd also like to thank Mazy1000 for helping me with the most recent chapters and a few to come. Becky xx~

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