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When then got down to the Great Hall all they could do was marvel at it. Though they had seen it like this before it was still beautiful. The whole hall was tinted light blue and two large Christmas trees were placed at the far end of the hall where the teachers usually sat either side of a stage with musical equipment. There was a large dance floor and tables of 8 all around the room as well as two long tables along the sides of the hall with jugs of juice and snacks. Because everyone had eaten dinner before, their wouldn't be a dinner at the ball.
Once everyone was sat down Dumbledore cleared his throat silencing the hall.
"Good evening all and welcome to The Yule Ball. As I said a few weeks ago, at different times, different years will have to leave the festivities. You will be alerted when your year must leave. I believe we are still waiting of the band so until then just talk between yourselves and have a good night." Dumbledore concluded and sat down and started talking to McGonnagal. Chatter started up and soon everyone was talking and wondering who the band was. They didn't have to wonder for long. About 5 minutes after Dumbledore sat down the band 'The Weird Sisters' started setting up on stage. Once they were set up, the peas singer stood up and said to the hall
"Hello Hogwarts! Who's ready to ROCK?"

Time jump (cus I'm lazy)

As Dumbledore had said, all the 1st and 2nd years were asked to leave at 10pm. Then the 3rd and 4th years at 11pm. So by 11:10 the only ones on the hall were 5th, 6th, 7th years and staff and the band. The hall seemed to grow at the decrease of people and therefore increase in space making it easier to move around and dance.
Harry was having the time of his life and it was nothing like the Yule Ball that was held a few years ago. Harry felt no stress and to his knowledge no one looked at him twice. Little did he know someone was watching him with intent, while pretending to be interested in what their friends were saying.

~Hi. This ones short but the next one is longer and ... I'll let you find out. Becky xoxo~

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