life in the streets

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One can never tell how things will go when you're living your life on the edge. One minute you're making money,having sex,shoot outs,fighting,you know the "fast life". The fast life will show you a good time with less boring days. Like a coin there's two sides. The other side is where the pain is. That is the part we hide. I remember days standing on the block 25/8 with out going to sleep because the money was coming in good. Growing up in the projects were it aint nothing to really do but things you are not pose to. So when i turned 13years old my dad got locked up so i made my own choice an decided to be in the streets so thats what i did. Late nights when i aint never come i never thought about how my mom was feeling an what she was thinking. Oneday i remember walking in the house and hearing my mom crying because i was always out in the streets an was never home an she always thought when she heard gun shots and a knock on the door it was going to be someone telling her i got shot or killed. I was making so much money i didnt care how she was feeling or what she thought. Now that im getting older i sit down and think about all the things i did wrong an try to change it. They say money dont change them but it changed me it helped me realized that people like you alot more when u got money but when you down they not around. I stopped trying to be the man and be a man, i got a little girl name Ivorie on the way so i plan to change my life around just to see a smile on her face everyday. Nomatter what thoe i still be in the streets alot because i feel like the streets made me and some people say the streets aint good but sometimes the streets better then family you can eat,sleep,chill,and more. It’s not easy getting out of “the hood,” but when you do make it out, it’s a great feeling to remember where you came from and how hard you worked to get to where you are.  If you don't have your friends and your family, what do you really have? You can have all the money in the world, but with no friends and no family, it's no good. People say money ain't nothing,money is basically everything. Everybody think they're famous when they get 100,000 followers on Instagram and 5,000 on Twitter. I’m not sensitive, I give people things exactly the way they are, and if they’re ready to absorb it, they will, and if they aren’t, they won’t I’m the type to swallow my blood ‘fore I swallow my pride. If you don’t do wild things while you’re young, you’ll have nothing to smile about when you’re old.Thats why i turn up alot Don’t depend too much on anyone in this world. Even your shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness. When i look back on my life i see pain,mistakes,an when i look in the mirror i see pride,strength,and lesson learned. Coming up i seen alot of things happen bad an did alot of bad things but things won't get better until you make them better. The little things do matter You'll never understand until it happens to you, just like seasons people change. Some people got to learn in life we never lose friends we just find out who the true ones are. You cant trust everybody trust take years to build seconds to break and forever to repair. I remember growing up i was 3-4 years old and watched my dad get locked up for things iaint never knew about untill i start doing it,i used to argue with my mom alot an tell her she cant tell me what to do an she always told me the things im doing going to lead me to jail or the grave i still didnt care. Now i get where she was coming from but i was always smart with my money and never did nothing dumb with it a real street nigga will save his money to get him an his family out the hood and thats what i was trying to do. I grew up in a house full of girls an i never liked it but i used to deal with it because ilove my sisters now i got a lil brother,niece an daghter on the way an i love all my family,you only get 1 family. Not done

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 30, 2014 ⏰

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