Chapter 1

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I walk down the street, to my bus stop. I saw three people there, I pulled out my Ipod and went through my playlist. I smiled and clicked on Windows Down by Big Time Rush.

Yes, I listen to them. They are flipping amazing to me. I love Kendall, and Carlos. They are cute and awesome and amazing singers. Besides, I cant always be tough right?

The bus pulled up. I ran on and sat in the back, away from everyone esle. I layed my head on the cold window. Winter is my favorite season, cause of snow, and Christmas. Along with winter sports.

Like Snowboarding, or Skiing, than Basketball. Sports has been inmy famliy since, well forever. My brothers do football and wrestling, and soccer. As for me, I do snowboarding and soccer and basketball.

Bubbles and Blossom does cheerleading. Do I count that as a sport, yes. Why? Well they both are dangerous, fun, and excetering.

I chuckled and felt the seat sink a little. I looked over my shoulder and saw the sports/flirt king of our school. The king is Butch, sure hes cute but hes known for being a player in our school. He broke nore hearts in the school than the lunch ladies made students sick.

Butch turned to looked at me with a smirk, I rolled my eyes. He just shrugged and pulled out his headphones. I pulled mine out and raised an eyebrow.

"Yes?" I asked him.

"Nun, I just like your lime green eyes." He said as he leaned in. I scoffed and rolled my eyes.

"Why are you sitting here?" I asked him as I leaned back of the window.

"What im not aloud to sit with a beuatiful girl?" He said as he gasped. I rolled my eyes and he chuckled.

"Your hard to crack, huh?" He asked.

"Yup." I said as he tapped his fingers on his chin.

"Well we have to change that dont we?" Butch taunted as he smirked. I rolled my eyes and grinned.

"Why are you grinning?" Butch asked.

"Hmm. What would Jessie think if she founds out about this?" I said as I waved my hand between us.

"Nothing, I dumped her last night." Butch said as he shrugged.

"Your a pig." I spat at him.

"Well honey, if im a pig. How come chicks kept running to me?" He asked.

"Cause they want your little dick." I said as I smirked.

"Oh please, dont make me laugh. I have a big dick, if your like to see." Butch said as I glared at him.

"If pigs fly than yes." I said and regreted soon as it came out.

"Well well, im a Rowdyruff than can fly, and Im a pig. Those was your words correct, Im a pig." Butch said as he smirked.

"Fine, when I see trolls fly, then Ill see your tiny dick." I said as I smirked.

"Hmm, we'll see if I a tiny friend." Butch said as I rolled my eyes. We stopped at school, and I ran to my locker. I stopped and punch the locker next to mine, which was Boomers. I saw Boomer coming down the hallway with Bubbles around his arms.

They have been going since freshman year,  and this year is senior. So, they are the schools longest couple ever. Brick and Blossom only started going out last summer, only due cause they was pussies about admiting their feelings.

As for me Im dating Mitch, we started in junior year. I really like him, but I never could say it to his face. As for Butch, he goes for any chick that hes wants. I felt arms wrapped around my waist. I looked up to see Mitch. I smiled and saw Buch from the corner of my eye.

He was laughing along with Brick and Blossom, and he had the school slut on his side. Princess, she was best friend but ditch since we was 'Not Popualar' enough.

So she became to be known as Princess of the Sluts. I dont have a problem with her, it just her attiude. I looked at Butch who was looking at me. He smirked and rolled my eyes. Always been Cat and Mouse with us. He the Cat like Tom as for me Im the Mouse like Jerry.

Do I watch that show yes, why? Cause its haliourus. Anyways, Butch was a sweet guy until something happen. He became a player, no longer a jokerist. He became mean, not sweet. Its like him and Brick traded places for a day. That day became four years.

I always wonder what happen to him. Why he changed? Why he only talks to Boomer and Brick for like a real covo. Blossom and him are friends talk more than him and Bubbles.

I want to know what happen to him. So ima crack this, player bou shell, and see whats under it.

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