Chapter 1

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"Izuku wake up! You're already going to wake up late!" A short green-haired woman spoke in a concerned tone.

A young boy had opened his piercing emerald eyes. The sun had shined through the window in his bedroom. it was already past 9 am and the sun had risen. As he rubbed his eyes, panic had filled him once he heard his mother's words come out of her mouth. He had planned to awake earlier since he had been planning to head to the marketplace to buy some of the essentials him and his mother needed. His father had given his family some extra spending money, so they were going to buy some other household materials. 

"Ah! Sorry, mother! I'll go straight away! If I run I still have plenty of time to buy everything." The green-haired boy blabbered while slipping on his boots.

"Oh I know,  just want you to be able to have time to get back before dark. I can come help carry things if you need-" His mother offered. "Mother it's fine, plus, I knew you were going to go to Mrs.Bakugo's house for tea later. I'll be able to carry everything back in time." He replied.

His mother smiled, she was happy to raise such a polite boy. She knew how some of the other people his age acted. Mitsuki had talked to her all the time about the problems with her son. As Izuku has about to wave goodbye she went up to him and placed some extra money in his palm. 

"Get yourself something to eat, you can spend the rest however you'd like." The boy was about to decline until she said "I insist, you have been working hard on the farm and doing errands a lot. I know I'm getting older and will have to rely on you more than I should. Go have fun!" She beamed. "Thank you, mother!" The boy replied, giving her a hug. He then slipped the money into one of his pockets and grabbed a sword. His mother said it had belonged to his father, but he used it as intimidation to people who had may want to rob him. Though he had never been taught to use it, he was taught how to scare villains away with it.

"Goodbye, mother!" The boy had hollered on his way out, waving to his mother who was waving back to him. He then continued down the path to the marketplace. 

His village was a beautiful place, a magical one too. Some people had access to magic. There were Wizards and Witches who had lived in the village. Although, not many had the ability to become one. Whoever had access to magic was chosen to be. These people had to be worthy of it. No one could be able to use magic unless they were chosen too by magic itself. Though, Wizards and Witches were not allowed to use their magic freely. So most of them hid their abilities since they could be captured by scientists or kingdoms to be sold. There were also mutants. Although, mutants faced the same problem as the Wizards and Witches. Mutants had to hide away though since they could be found easier and proven to be mutants easier than the Wizards and Witches. The Wizards and Witches looked like normal humans, while mutants were...mutated. 

There were also the heroes of the village, warriors. Warriors had protected the village folk from Villians. The most famous Warrior had the name of "All Might". As the name suggests, the man was a brave, honored soul who was no doubt the strongest and toughest of them all. Izuku had looked up to him all his life but knew he would have never been able to become a warrior. He had been told this to him his whole life by his childhood friend Katsuki Bakugo. Bakugo, on the other hand, had trained his whole life to become the strongest warrior of them all. He also looked up to All Might, but he thought of being better than him. He was planning to become the strongest warrior of them all. Though, he had always belittled Izuku of having the same dream, even giving him the nickname of "Deku".

As Izuku made his way down the path he remembered there was a shortcut he could take through the woods. His mother never suggested taking that route, but it was better than making her concerned f he wasn't back before dark. As the young boy began to walk through the trees he heard the sound of someone grunting, like they were in an immense amount of pain. As Izuku walked through the forest, the noise sounded closer. He then pulled his sword out, knowing he could use it to scare away an enemy. He then looked around to see a lantern with a dying flame lit inside of it. 

"Hello?" The boy spoke.

"P-please child you must run, I don't know if it's still around." Izuku turned around to a thin man with spiky yellow hair laying across the dirt. As Izuku brought the lantern closer towards the man to see him, he noticed a giant cut across his chest.

"Sir, what happened? Are you alrigh-" Izuku spoke as he was cut off.

"Child you must run from this forest, there is a villain nearby who had robbed me and will do the same to you if you don't hurry." The man spoke. Izuku knew he couldn't leave the man here, and began to help lift him to his feet.

"I'm not leaving you here to die, please let me at least help" Izuku pleaded. The man gave in and began to leave with Izuku, grabbing his hand. Izuku held his sword in the other hand just in case.

As they got back to the village, a young girl with short brown hair approached them with a face full of shock. "Oh my! Are you two alright?"

The thin man couldn't speak well, so Izuku said with a worried expression: "I'm fine, he was attacked in the forest and has a massive cut across his chest, who knows how longs he's bleeding.".

The girl looked nervous but sighed. "Alright, follow me, I promise I won't hurt you and your friend. I just wanna help you both, I have special medicine at my house."

The boy nodded and helped the man get to the young girl's house. Well, more like a cottage. It was very small and had what looked like a basement. 

"Follow me down here," the girl said as she leads them towards her basement. 

When they reached her basement, it looked magical. There were what looked like potions hanging on the old-looking shelves, a cauldron, and many other sparkly looking compounds. 

The girl then grabbed something from a shelf with the words "Healer". As she scrambled to put the drink into a small yellow cup.

"Here drink this, it will help." The girl spoke softly. The man was hesitant at first, after all, this was a stranger to him. But he knew if he didn't he could die before he could get to a proper doctor. So he drank the mysterious liquid.

As the girl was focusing on helping the man the boy began to examine the room. As he looked around, he saw many different magical looking materials he had read about in his books. When he turned around he saw the girl grab a sort of staff. She then waved it around while muttering some sort of language he couldn't understand. He then stared at the man wounds which had been surrounded by some sort of pink mist. Then, when the mist had faded, the wound had been healed.

This girl was a witch.

Authors Note

Hi! I don't have much to say here since its the first chapter. But I'd like to say thanks for all the support on my other book! You can expect more current updates since school is canceled and my neighbor has COVID-19. But I also hope you like this book! I enjoy writing fantasy. I know this chapter is a bit rushed and sloppy, I do plan to edit this in the future. 

-Anne Marie

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