Chapter 2

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Like magic, the man's wounds had disappeared. 

The girl looked relieved and let out a sigh of relief. She had seemed worried before.

"How did you do that?!' I ask in amazement. I hadn't seen magic before since most magic users had gone into hiding, 

"Shhh!" The girl replies. "You can't tell anyone! If the villagers know they'll-well you know. But I healed your friend, you can't snitch on me please!" 

The two glanced over to see the man had fainted. He was already sitting down so there were no other 

"I wasn't planning too in the first place," I reply.  "Thank you so much for helping him, I'm Izuku Midoriya, what's your name?"

"Ochoko Urakaka," She says. "Nice to meet you. But what happened to your friend? 

I looked over to the frail man. His hair was yellow and spiky, his features were mainly pointy just like his hair. He was wearing a plain white shirt with brown pants. His clothes had been partly torn from when he was attacked. He was what looked like a homeless man to Izuku. He had never seen the man around the village, so that was what he assumed the man was. 

"Oh, I don't know him well, I was walking through the forest to the marketplace and saw him lying in the dirt. So I helped bring him here and then you helped us." The green-haired boy said. 

"Well, that's nice!" Urakaka replied. "Thank goodness your nice, if I had helped the wrong would've been a mistake."

Izuku knew what she meant. Hunters and villains would attack and sell Wizards and Witches because of their magic. Nowadays, not many had the ability to use magic. So Wizards and WItches were worth more in today's time. Making them higher targets for others. 

"Why did you help us though?" the boy asked. "How did you know we weren't going to attack you?"

"I didn't" The brown-haired girl replied. SHe had a saddened tone in her voice when she spoke now. "It's one of my main problems, I trust others too easily. It's happened before..." 

Izuku didn't want to ask about the girl's past, at least not yet. They had just met and she probably didn't fully trust him yet.

"oh sorry, I'm rambling!" She spoke. "So, why were you heading to the marketplace?"

The two teens began to talk with each other, going on about magic, their village, and many other random topics. She had even given him the nickname of "Deku" since he told her about how Bakugo had called him that. As they were chatting, the frail man had awakened. 

"Oh, he's awake!" Urakaka said.

The two gazed at the man as he began to stand up from his chair. He was still shaken and Izuku helped him stand upright. 

"Oh wait Deku! Take this, it'll help him regain his strength." She said as she handed the boy a vial of what looked like a potion. 

"Thanks! See you around" The boy said waving away at the girl. 

Izuku then helped the man walk out of Urakaka's home. 

The man didn't talk much, he appeared almost nervous to Izuku. 

"Can you help me walk towards those trees?" The man asked. He had still felt weakened, but he was determined to hide away in the trees. 

As the two approached there the man then spoke: "Thank you for your help, please leave now."

Izuku thought it was a bit rude of the man to not thank him and the girl, but then again he never wanted Izuku to help him. When he first met the man in the forest, he didn't want Izuku to get attacked as he did. Izuku then waved goodbye and started to walk back to the marketplace. He still had some time before dark and could still make the journey. That is until he had realized that he had forgotten to give the man the potion Urakaka had given him. 

Izuku quickly rushed back to the trees and looked for the frail man. But to no avail. He had searched high and low and still saw no sign of the mysterious man. 

As Izuku began to walk out of the forest he saw someone. It was the man! Izuku then began to rush over to the man, waving the potion in the air. That was until he saw a cloud of smoke. grow taller. His body grew more muscular and stronger. He had transformed from a frail homeless-looking man to the one and only...

The Warrior All Might!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2020 ⏰

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