~How you meet~

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-You were strolling around the city when she caught your eye.
-People were backing away from her but she seemed innocent to you.
- So being the good gal you are, you ask them what all the fuss is about.
-They accused the girl of being the witch of envy.
-That pissed you off so you told them to watch what they say and they backed off.
-The whole time our cute polar bear girl just stared at you in shock.
- Why would a stranger stick up for me? she thought.
-You asked if she was alright.
-She said she was fine but quite baffled as to why you did what you did.
-You told her that it wasn't right for her to be treated like that and she shouldn't put up with it next time.
-"Hey, next time someone says something as stupid as that to someone as beautiful as you come straight to me yeah?"
- Smoll bean blushed slightly and obliged.

-You lived in the village just by Roswaal's mansion.
-She frequently visited there for groceries and you had always admired her from a distance.
-Until she approached you that is.
- "H-Hello there!"
- You were just fishing by the lake and she decided to talk to you.
- "um...hi"
- She was smiling at you and you couldn't help but blush.
- "My name is Rem what's yours?"
- "Uh...It's Y/N..."
- "Hi Y/N, I've noticed you glancing at me a few times whenever I'm here so I was wondering if you'd like to be friends!"
- You really didn't know what to say.
- There was a few seconds of silence before you decided to give her an answer.
-Thus a "Friendship" between the two of you blossomed.

- You were at a business meeting with Roswaal and he asked if you wanted to have dinner at his place.
- Of course you were like: "Yeah sure!"
-So y'all headed over to his mansion.
- You were greeted by some friendly faces but one of them seemed not to have one.
- You being you decided to go and talk to her of all people.
- "Hi!" You greeted.
- The maid with the pink hair just stared at you dead in the face.
- She didn't seem interested so you left her alone and talked with Emilia and Roswaal.
- You needed a drink and went towards the kitchen to find her preparing food with her sister.
- You offered her help.
- She said she didn't need it.
- So you kept pestering her until she finally allowed you to at least peel potatoes.
- Rem had to go and organise the table so she left the two of you alone.
- You made small talk but again she wasn't interested.
- But you kept trying though.
- "Why are you so invested in me?" She finally cracked.
- "I'm not sure I would use that word but I just thought you were awfully quiet and could use a friend." You smiled.
- She seemed to be a little surprised by this but quickly regained her composure.
- "You're quite strange Miss...."
- "It's Y/N."
- "Miss Y/N, could you pass me the salt?"
- "Sure thing!"
- You two cooked together every time you visited after that although you did insist on it.

- You were one of Roswaal servants so you were a busy person.
- Whenever you had the time though you'd visit the mansion library.
- Of course Beatrice was always there.
- The first time you had visited you were so amazed by the amount of books it contained and Beatrice noticed this.
- "You're a bookworm too I suppose."
- "Ah! Oh, why yes I am."
- "That's interesting I suppose."
- You started taking about the books you both liked after you got Beatrice to open up a bit more.
- However, lets not forget you were a servant.
- You still had duties and so you both wouldn't have much time to discuss much.
- And, although she would never dare to show it, this saddened Beatrice.
- She overtime had begun to enjoy your company almost as much as she enjoyed Puck's.
- Almost...

- The two of you had known each other for years.
- Both of you worked for Rom and his loot house.
- By worked I meant stole for it.
- You both were super close though, a little rivalry did start to slip in as you both tried to see who could steal the most goods and sell the most in one day.
- Everyday would vary. For example:
- "Not bad today Felt." you sigh.
- "Thank you Y/N! Told ya I was better!" She winked.
- Or...
-"Damn Y/N you scored some pretty good loot today" She smiles.
- "Consider yourself beaten Felt."
- "Ha! Never!"

- You were very lost.
- So very very lost.
- You were aimlessly wondering through the streets when you came across a mansion.
- Immediately, you ran towards it hoping that if you  knocked someone could perhaps help you in some way.
- So you did.
- And someone answered.
- "Can I help you?" A rather intimidating old man opened the door.
- "I uh...yes. I'm lost and I have no where to go and I was hoping you could direct me to the nearest inn."
- He stared at you for a minute before breaking the awkward silence.
- "come in."
- He stepped aside to allow you inside.
- He then called for someone by the name of Lady Crusch Karsten.
- A woman with dark green hair and amber coloured eyes answered by elegantly gracing down the extravagant staircase.
- Alongside her was some weird Demi-human half cat person.
- "oooh! We have a visitor nyaa~"  Cooed the humanoid cat.
- "What business do you have here?" Crusch sternly questioned you.
- "S-sorry I don't mean to bother anyone but I-I'm
a bit lost and I have nowhere to go. I was wondering if you could perhaps point me in the right direction of some help."
- Her face began to soften slightly after hearing your reasons for being here.
- She then decided to keep you.
- "Well, I could perhaps allow you to stay with us."
- "Really!? You'd do that!?"
- "Only on one condition though."
- "Anything!"
- "You help me become queen in return for a place to stay."
- "Of course! Sounds awesome!"
- That was that.


Hope you liked that! Stay tuned for more xxx

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