Mikey x Artist reader

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OwO your a bootiful artist not that you aren't already bootiful

Mikey said very happy. You just painted something very impressive which your crush Mikey really really likes did I mention you have a crush on Mikey? Yup you love. The loving family and artist mhm you always hang around him to make him happy and just the way he smiles and acts is adorable you wish you could stare at him all day he was a great person you loved his personality. Anyways as you were done drawing with Mikey he was in awe over your amazing drawing
"(Y/n) you should've told me you were an artist "

"Mikey you already know I can draw " you said slightly amused at the turtle's reaction "hmm I know (Y/n) it's just your such a great artist I'm so surprised yet shocked never seen one of your drawings" Mikey said calmly but still excited
"Maybe I could show you some soon cutie" you said not realizing what you said until you heard his voice
"Did you call me cute?" Mikey said confused on why you called him cute yeah sure he liked you like alot but didn't know you liked him too

"Uh yeah sorry it slipped kinda just thought of something before I said it" you were so not calm you were embarrassed you called your crush cute AND MADE A TERRIBLE LIE yet it worked cause you could see Mikey's happy smile turn into a sad frown "what's wrong? Mikey?"

"Nothing I um I kinda l-"
He was cut off by a ringtone which was yours -[]- you picked it up answering it "yellow " you always said that when someone called you it was funny just saying a color who knows you said red once. Your [brother or sister] called you telling you to come home "m'kay be there in a bit"
You hung up "Welp gotta go Mikey maybe we can draw together another time bye Mikey" you picked up your stuff and left  Mikey was just upset he couldn't tell his crush he loved them but it might as well wait you probably didn't have a crush on him anyways well that's what he thought.

"Something wrong Mikey" Raph said a little unsure what happened "Oh yeah I was talking to (Y/n) They just had to Leave " mikey said trying not to sound sad but failed "Well um I'm not good with this kinda stuff but I think you could tell (Y/n) about your feelings it's good to find out instead of wondering what if you asked her y'know " raph said.

"Your right maybe I'll swing by their apartment soon " Mikey said very happily

By Ihavetomuchletters
You were in your room drawing something or someone you were on your sketch so no one could tell what you were drawing. Until you heard a tap on your window you look over to see Mikey cute wasnt he you thought you got up and let him in of course
"What brings you around Mikey" you said questions filling your head
"I-I wanted to tell you something " Mikey mentally slapped himself for stuttering "mmm I see well make it quick I gotta study for art class soon"
You said (do you study for art ?????? Idk yet) "Okay I wanna tell you about my feelings " he said a bit nervous and scared 'what if she rejects me or worst says she's disgusted by me and stops being my friend '. He thought as more sad thoughts crowed his mind "Go on" you said a little impatient
"(Y/N) I LIKE YOU LIKE LIKE LIKE YOU and if you dont like me back that's ok I hope we can be friends".
He said sad cause he knows the answer is no atleast he thought it was
"M-mikey" you called out shocked yet happy and surprised "sorry I'll leave" he said sadly "No dont I LIKe YOu TOO" a bit loud you said. Before you knew it you were wrapped in a hug by who? MIKEY he hugged you.
He whispered "Thank you (Y/n)" he didnt kiss you cause well he didnt think you wanted to move that fast until You kissed him on the lips. After two minutes you both parted for air "Wow (Y/n) you are a good kisser" he said blushing a bit "hey thanks Cutie wel You better head home cause well your brothers and father " you didn't want him to Leave but you knew he had to they might worry "oh ok Bye (Y/n) and before I go" he was at the window when he said that "I Love you"
"Love you too"
When he left you went right back to your desk and saw a drawing of him you drew squealing and smiling caught you huh the smile kinda hurts your cheeks for how long you were.


Love yall stay positive stuart happy oh god I cant sleep 0×0

Words: 854

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