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Um, WeLcOmE tO mY So UnOrIgInAl BoOk!

Yes. That's le title. I am very sorry, if this is cringy, but you came here anyways!

But seriously, if I wrote oblivious in my previous oneshots (which seriously means unaware of something), I meant curious! I sometimes (always) make these oneshots at night, so please don't mind that, and I hope you understand!

I just had other things to do (other than school, I mean)...

But anyways, without further ado, let's get started!

|Third Person|

It was then the day, that England was very sick. He tried to make things better, by drinking tea, eating scones, and take his medications. But it did not work at all.

Luckily, for England, it was not time for the world meeting. So, he just read a book, and tried to make hisself, feel a little better.


"Yo! Japan, dude! Wanna watch a movie? I promise, that it will be a lot scarier this time!"

"I'm very sorry, Mr. America... I have something to do, invorving my boss. Maybe we can hangout another time." Japan said in an apologetic tone.

"Aww. Ok fine..." America said. A little dissapointed tone in his voice.

He then sighed.

Hmm... I wonder who is out there, who is not busy, and wants to hangout with me... He thought to himself.

So, America called everyone, and asked, if they wanted to come to his house, and hangout. But sadly, everybody was busy. Well, for Italy, he was actually not busy, but he was just hanging out with Germany.

After calling everyone, he sat on his couch, and pouted dissapointedly. After a few minutes of watching, and changing the channels in his TV, he then remembered one person, whom he didn't ask to hangout with him, yet. England.

He excitedly, and quickly, got his phone, that he almost dropped, and called him right away.


England was about to take a little nap, when he suddenly heard his phone ring.

Ugh. Who could it be? If it is one of them, why would they call anyways? There is not even one single bloody meeting today! England thought irritatedly. He then grabbed his phone, and pressed the answer button.

"Hello?" He said in a slightly irritated tone, with a scratchy voice.

"Hi... Are you okay dude? Your voice doesn't seem to sound normal... Is everything alright?" The American asked. Worried found in his voice.

He didn't realised America would call him... Maybe he just wanted to hangout... But still. It surprises England for a second, then snapped, when he heard his name repeating over, and over again.

"Yo! England!"


"Are you alright?"

"Uh... No... I've been sick, after the ending of our... Last meeting..."

"Well, do you want me to go there? I already cancelled my plans for today. Do you want me to take care of you?"

"Uh, no, it's alright America, really..."

"Bullshit! You know what, I'm still gonna go there, whether you like it, or not!" America said stubbornly. Crossing his arms, behind the phone.

"Wait no, America-" He then got hung out.

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