NYC:Good evening everyone!I am the NYC and I am here with!
Nasi:Zhe Nasi~
FSA:Flower States of Americia!
RG:Russian Government
Premium Empire:Zhe Premium Empire here
Korean Empire City:KEC!
JEG:Japanese Empire Gov!
Mandarin And Slavic City:MSC..
Slavonic Nova:And-a Slavonic Nova~!
NYC:We were requested by anonymous to react and watch these videos they've listed!
MSC:I don't like this idea.Aiyah da?
NYC:I know...but we have to!
JEG:On to the first Video!
Nasi:Ich Like very much!
Premium Empire:Agreed
NYC:Urm....This is why I hate Nazi and Nasi.....
Slavonic Nova:Uh....Is-a it-a bad that-a I-a like his Papa?
FSA:I didn't know my husband was um poor
NYC:Oh good lord!FSA are you alright!Your nose is bleeding!
FSA:I'm fine!
RG:Phuck you Ame
Nasi:Zhat is mein nephew!
Premium Empire:Ich is in disappointment
NYC:Good God!
RG:I like
NYC and FSA:Why is Ame an onion?
RG:We have Soviet Onion now America Onion?I hate now
Nasi:*Laughs chaotically *
NYC:I am Done!No no
FSA:Dear deserts....
Nasi:Fock Cock!
MSC:I don't get it.
NYC:I remember this!This was before mother and father divorced and tire me into two different people!
JG:JG.Exe has stopped working
RG:*starts sobbing and hides in the corner*
Nasi:Vho sent zhis!?Zhey know zhat anyzhing zhat is like zhis makes her depressed!!!!
FSA:What is this?
Nasi:Ich don't get.
Premium Empire:*chugs beer*
Solvanic Nova covers MSC eyes
NYC:No!Hell no!Bloody Hades who is burning in boiling tea water Inside of hell which the queen is satisfied with!NO!
FSA:Is my husband gay and cheating on me?*sniffles*
Nasi:*leaves the door*
MSC and JG:We feel Offended and this isn't Countryhumans.This is Hetalia.
FSA:Can I go and cry now after the last video?
RG:Het, we have one more to go comrade
JG:I'm done!Sayonara!*ninja vanishes*
NYC:Now I'm going to bleach my eyes after these memes
RG:*pukes in a toilet*
MSC and Slovanic Nova leave
Premium Empire:I feel fine.
JEG:I just stayed silent as well as KEC.
KEC:They good but not terrible