Like Static Electricty (Chapter 4)

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Like Static Electricity

      I woke up the next morning to my alarm buzzing, as usual. I checked my phone and saw that I had a text from Jesse. "Wake up sunshine!" it read. I smiled and realized how powerful just a few words from him were. I felt more energized than usual and got ready for school quickly and with confidence. As I looked in the mirror, I found that instead of looking darker then usual, I looked brighter and more alive. My hair was shining, my eyes looked brighter, and my skin looked like it was glowing. I smiled at my relfection in the mirror. I kept on Jesse's t-shirt, and as I usually did, threw on a hoodie over it. I finished the rest of my morning routine and went to school. Unfortunately enough, I didn't see Jesse today.

      The rest of the day went by painfully slow. After I came home, I worked on my homework while listening to some of my favorite music. At around 4, Jesse texted me. We talked about each other's day, sports, and lots of other things. I texted him for about an hour, then got an urge to go skateboarding. I used to skate a lot, but my want for it had slowly begun to die down. I fluttered through the junk in my garage and finally found my skateboard. I was a little rusty at first, but after being on it again for a little while, it all came back to me. I tore up the streets, riding them up and down, doing all kinds of tricks. I skated for three hours and came home at 7. I was hot and sweaty. I layed out in my front yard for a little while to cool down. I started texting Jesse again, and we ended up talking for the rest of the night.

      I woke up the next morning with an excited feeling. Friday. I had a text from Jesse. "Can't wait to see you tonight. I'll be thinking about you all day." It said those words and nothing more. I jumped out of bed and got ready for school, all while a huge grin never left my face. I put on my usual combination of skinny jeans and a t-shirt. Today, I put on my black converse and a thin jacket. I straightened my hair quickly and went to school, completely forgetting about eating breakfast.

      When I saw Jesse in the hall, it was hard to keep my hands off of him, but I had to. We greeted each other with the usual guy handshake. I cherished my seconds with him, then before I knew it, he was gone. The rest of the day, I pictured different scenerios of our date. Maybe just a simple date at the park, maybe a movie, or going out to dinner. They all ended the same way: with a kiss. I was going to kiss him tonight. I knew that much. In the middle of 4th period, my phone vibrated, signaling a text. I took it out of my pocket as slick as possible, to make sure the teacher wouldn't see. "I have a plan for tonight. I'll tell you when I see you after school. Be at your usual spot by your car." I typed a quick reply of, "You got it," and put my phone back in its place in my pocket. Taking notes helped keep my mind off of Jesse, but not by very much. He was all I could think about. The slowness of the day was long and dreary, and it was killing me. After what seemed like an eternity, 7th period rolled around. I counted down as the clock ticked to 2:00. The bell rang loudly in my ears. I jumped up and practically ran to my locker. It wasn't long I was at my car until I saw him. He looked amazing today. His hair was perfect and shining in the sunlight. He was wearing a tight pair of light skinny jeans that fit his skinny body perfectly. His grey t-shirt outlined the muscles in his arms. He got more and more irresistable every time I saw him. As he got closer to me, his hazel eyes connected with mine and words of silence were exchanged between them. They spoke all of the words we were unable to say. They spoke for us. Finally, he spoke. "I got my parents out of the house for the night. It took a lot of work, but we won't have to worry about them. Also, I was thinking we would go to a movie. You can pick whatever you want. I'll pay." He smiled at me, and I returned his loving glance. "I'll pick you up at 7 then?" He nodded. "It can't come soon enough. Well, I would stick around, but my ride's about to leave me. I'll see you at 7!" And with that he was off, running to a red truck across the parking lot. I couldn't help but stare at his ass as he ran. After he left, I got into my car and took my time going home, stopping by McDonald's to pick up something to eat. I didn't want to wait for 7 to come. I knew it would be as long of a wait as waiting for school to end was. So I set an alarm for 6:15 and layed down to take a nap.

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