Coughlosercough (Chapter 9)

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      I was wrong thinking that things were going to get better. I arrived at school the next day only to find that "faggot" had been spray painted onto my lockers in big white letters. I got called every name in the book every time someone saw me. When I got called on in class, a guy would do the lame coughsayawordcough thing. Yeah, that stopped being cool the same time it became popular. Coughlosercough. It got worse and worse every day. Eventually, I became immune to everyone. Jesse and I held our heads high as we walked down the hallway holding hands.

      Weeks went by, and things cooled down a little. It was down to just the simple jokes here and there. I was fine with that. It was Thursday evening. I was sitting on my bed in my room. Homework was sprawled out in front of me. Sitting in a chair next to me was Jesse, his legs on the bed, and a notebook in his lap. We usually did homework together at least three times a week. He was now like my family's second child. My parents and my sister loved him. In the background, Escape the Fate was playing. I jabbed the numbers of my current calculus problem into my calculator. "So are we still on for tomorrow night?" Jesse set his homework aside and looked at me. "Of course," I replied to him. There was a knock on my door and my mom emerged from behind it. "We're going to go to the store and pick up some things for dinner. Do you boys want to come?" I shook my head. "Nah, we're kinda busy on some homework." She shrugged. "Alright then. We'll be back in an hour or so. You boys behave." Jesse gave her a nod as the door closed. We both looked up and smiled at each other. I loved it when my parents went out because I finally got to act like a boyfriend to Jesse instead of just a friend. As soon as I heard the car start and leave the driveway, I moved my homework off of the bed and pulled Jesse into my arms. We kissed and cuddled and did everything to enjoy our time together before I saw the car pull back into the driveway. We quickly got all of our stuff back out and finished what homework we had left. Jesse ate dinner with us, and then I took him home.

      It was just another Friday. It was just another day. Nothing special. Nothing new. So why did I have this weird feeling in my gut? I wasn't sure what it meant, but I had a feeling something bad was going to happen. I tried not to let it show as I picked up Jesse. But he saw right through me. "What's wrong? You seem like something's on your mind.." I shrugged and tried not to make eye contact with him. I didn't want to lie to him, but I wasn't even sure if this feeling meant anything at all. And I didn't want to worry him. It could just be nothing....or it could be something. I mumbled a quick, "Nothing, I'm just tired," and hoped that worked.

      Before Jesse left me to go to class, I grabbed his arm and pulled him into me. I hugged him tightly, taking in his smell and the way his body felt pressed against mine. I kissed him and savored every bit of it. I wasn't sure why, but I just felt like I needed to take in all of this. "I love you," I whispered into his ear. "I love you too babe. Have a good day. You'll be on my mind all day." He gave me his signature, breathtaking smile that used to melt all of the girls, and turned around and left. I gave him one good last look, then got my things and went to class.

      My day was normal. Well, as normal as it got these days. But that feeling never went away. It was starting to drive me insane. I anxiously waited for 2 o'clock to come so that I could talk to Jesse about it. I decided I should tell him, because after all, he was my boyfriend, and I should be able to tell him anything. The dismissal bell pulled me out of my deep train of thought and I jumped. I waited for Jesse at my locker. 10 minutes rolled by. He still wasn't there. I checked my phone. No messages. I texted him, but he didn't text back. I decided to wait a few more minutes, the feeling in my gut suddenly getting stronger. After 5 more minutes, I ran out to my car. He wasn't there either. I tried to call him, but it went straight to voicemail. 20 minutes went to 30. By then, I was beyond worried. I tried to stay calm, but my weakness got the best of me. I decided to go around asking people if they had seen him. I figured it wouldn't do much good, but it was worth a shot.

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