Chapter 8: Did you do that?

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Chapter 8: Did you do that?

Taehyung was in front of Dwyne company, he was looking at the building with his plain face. His hands were balled in a fist before he decided to go inside the company. He didn't bother to seek help to look for Hyusuk's office. He went straight to the elevator and pressed the 10th floor. He ignored the employees who were looking at him confusedly and whispering about him.

Once the elevator was opened, he went out and go to the left side.

"Who are you?" Suddenly, the person on the desk on his left side noticed him and asked him.

"Is this Hyusuk's office?" Taehyung responded pointing to the door on his right side.

"Yes, that's the CEO's office, what do you need?" The man replied curiously.

Taehyung didn't bother to reply and hold the handle of the door.

"Wait, you can't go inside without setting a schedule." The man immediately held his right hand, stopping him.

"Get out of my face" Taehyung simply said with a hint of sternness in his tone.

"I told you, you can't go inside." The man insisted.

But Taehyung twisted the doorknob and opened the door. He saw a woman sitting on the desk with her back facing them. Because of that, the woman flinched and stood up from the desk revealing a man sitting on the chair. The woman pulled down her skirt and buttoned her shirt.

"Who is he, Yeon?! I told you not to disturb me while I'm busy!" Hyusuk growled standing up from his seat.

"I-I told him, sir, buh-but he didn't listen." Yeon replied, swallowing hard.

The woman left, running away from them while Taehyung glared at Hyusuk.

"Who the fuck are you, huh?!" Hyusuk grumbled frustratedly.

"To give you a gift." Taehyung simply replied with a smirk, putting his hands in his pocket.

"What the heck are you talking about?!" Hyusuk was furious.

Taehyung pulled out his right hand from his pocket and showed the lighter. He flicked the lighter and fire came out.

"What are you doing?! You can't do that!" Yeon attempted to stop him but Taehyung pointed the lighter in front of him and looked at Hyusuk.

"I heard you are a demon, and I'm here to give you the hell." Taehyung smirked.

"What do you mean?! Who are you?! What do you need?!" Hyusuk yelled venomously.

"They said being curious can kill and it was real." Taehyung didn't hesitate to throw the lighter on Hyusuk's desk.

It cause a fire on the documents and Hyusuk's eyes widened.

"The fuck! Take him out of here! Call the guards!" Hyusuk ordered taking out his blazer to use it to stop the fire but he accidentally hit the alcohol on his desk, well, Hyusuk was a hygienic person, he dislikes disgusting dirt and germs and it caused a huge fire.

"Sir!" Yeon yelled.

He tried to punch Taehyung but Taehyung was fast enough to grab his arm and punched him in the face. Yeon stumbled on the floor while Taehyung left, closing the door outside.

Even though there was chaos due to the alarm, Taehyung was walking away calmly as if he didn't do something. He's so calm not minding those people who were running away.

Jin hurriedly contacted Hoseok for help and Hoseok answered his calls.

"Yes, hyung?" Hoseok responded.

"Where are you?" Jin asked and seems in hurry.

"Uh, driving? Why?" Hoseok replied confusedly.

"Are you near Dwyne's company right now?" Jin inquired getting frustrated.

"Yeah, kind of? I can see the building not so far from me. Why did you ask, hyung?" Hoseok retorted getting curious.

"Go there, please make it faster!" Jin told him.

"Huh? But I have to somewhere hyung." Hoseok sighed.

"Just go there and check if Taehyung goes to that place, right now!" Jin ordered.

"Why would Taehyung be in that place?" Hoseok asked curiously.

"He knows already about Jungkook and his ex-stepfather, he was planning to do something with Hyusuk." Jin explained.

"What? Ho---"

"Stop asking just go there!" Jin grumbled.

"Fine, I'm near now, calm down." Hoseok replied shaking his head.

He continued to drive until he was in front of the company.

"Oh, my ghosh" Hoseok suddenly mumbled.

"What happened? Are you okay?" Jin heard him.

"I think I'm late, hyung." Hoseok muttered while looking outside the company and saw the 10th floor of the company was burning.

"What? What do you mean? What's happening there?" Jin was getting nervous.

"Oh, Hoseok hyung, are you here to pick me up?" Suddenly, Taehyung was in front of Hoseok with an innocent smile plastered on his lips.

Hoseok doesn't want to believe that Taehyung was the one who did that. There's no way, Taehyung was naive in everyone's eyes.

"Y-yes, get inside now." Hoseok replied swallowing hard when he saw guards running out of the company and turned off his phone.

Taehyung smiled and get inside Hoseok's car in the passenger seat. The whole ride was full of silence, yet, Hoseok was glancing every minute to check Taehyung through the mirror. Taehyung was just leaning his head on the car's door while looking outside. He seems to be spaced out.

"Taehyung, did you do that?" Hoseok asked to break the silence preferring burning company.

"Yes, why did you ask? Are you going to tell Jungkook about that?" Taehyung shot back.

He glanced at Taehyung through the mirror again and for the first time, he felt scared when he met those Taehyung's glare that pierced through his soul.

"O-of course not" He replied, gulping.

"Good, I'm sure you can hide that secret, right? Like how you hide the truth about Jungkook from me. I'm pretty sure that would be easy for you to shut your mouth, it ain't your first time to do it so." Taehyung snickered.


"Thank you for the ride, hyung~" Taehyung just get out of the car and slammed the door closed.

Hoseok sighed, at least Taehyung was gone in his car or else he might pee in his pants just by looking at Taehyung's glare.

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