The Bullying Starts

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We were 2months into our relationship when the bullying started. One day Lorraline came round to my house after school crying. She told me that a group of said that she was cheating on her ex. I knew this wasn't true - Lorra wouldn't of done anything like that. I asked her, "Did you tell them it wasn't true?"
She said, " Yes, but they won't listen to me!"
"Do you know who would've started this?"
"I think it would've been my ex or one of his friends."

I've always hated her ex's friends - they always got into trouble. So I told her hat if that mention it again or say something mean to her she come to me and I'll sort them out.

A week later I was having lunch with Charlie waiting for Lorra to arrive but she was late and don't know why. All of a sudden we saw a crowd of students gathering round shouting, "Fight! Fight! Fight!" The next thing we heard a girl scream. We both knew instantly it was Lorraline and rushed over barging into the crowd to reach her. As soon as I got to her she I can tell in her eyes that she was in so much pain and I pulled her away from the fight and Charlie kept hold of her. I then started pushing her ex into the crowd hoping he would fall to the floor - eventually he did! I shouted at him, "If you ever touch Lorra again, I swear to God you'll pay for it!" 
It made him scared and they all ran off. I turned back to Lorra who was still in tears and hugging tightly to Charlie. He tries to reassure her but she was still in shock. I asked her, "Are you hurt anywhere?"
She replied, "No, I'm okay Leo..."
We both took her to our Head Master to complain the situation and he said that he'll deal with them personally.

I just hope it will be all over for her....

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