Im Awake Pic of maya^^^^^^^^^^^

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Maya's P.O.V

"Honey wake up its your first day of school"

Uhhh fine, I get up and go take a shower then brushed my teeth and combed my hair, after i went in my closet and got out some nude heels and a oversized jumper with bootie shorts. Once i came down stairs and got my keys for my 2015 camero, I gave a kiss to my mom and got in the car and deove to school.
Once i got to school everyone stopped and stared boys were giving me lust looks and girls were throwing me jealous looks, so i gave them something to stare about i dropped my car keys and pushed my butt up and watched how all the boy's eyes roll back in their head and groan. After i got my keys i got up and put in my big framed black glasses and got out of my car and made my way to the main office. Damn im lost, Shit! When i started looking for a map I bumped right into someone, making me fall straight to the floor..."Oh god im going to die" i tell myself.
All of a sudden i felt a pair of hands wrap around my waist, so i look up to see who it is and all i see is this gorgeous boy with blond hair and dark green eyes, with just around a good amount of stubble, and might i say very muscular arms. "Oops im so sorry i wasnt watching were i was going i was just trying to find the main office, do u know where it might be? Look at this wallpaper its so boring whats your favorite color? Mine is beige as u can see, i also like black but only if im depressed but anyway i really like----" "Are u going to be quite now love" oh god he's British, god must have spent a great deal of time on him. "Are you done checking me out" i heard this mysterious guy say, I snapped back into reality and I noticed i was staring very noticeably at him. I shyly put my head down and let my hair cover me from sight. "The office is this way love, just take one left and keep going straight ahead" "thank you so much uhhh" "xian" "ohh ok thank you again." Once he started walking away I turned back around and noticed he was staring right at me. I quickly turned away "Ring! Ring!" Wow lucky me late on my first day i must be on a role i bet. After speed walking to the office i asked the lady at the front desk for my schedule and time table. After i told her my name and got my locker code and made my way to the locker to put away my stuff, after that i walked to homeroom and quietly knocked on the door, once i walked in everyone got silent and stared i was starting to get uncomfortable. I guess the teacher started to noticed because he told everyone to pay attention. I quickly found a seat in the back of the class when i noticed more people were staring at me now. I didnt noticed i was doing something wrong till these girl in front of me with blond,curly, frizzy hair and hazel eyes "psst" "you know your sitting on xian riders seat" "sooo" " you do know hes the bad boy in this school no one messes with him hes a loner who only hangs out with his group of friends theirs Alex, Xander, max and last but not least Xian rider himself. Alex and max are twins and Xander is Xian cousin. Xian has been to jail five times and fights every single day. They say he's a professional boxer, but hey rumors sometime you believe them and sometimes you don't.... Anyway you should get up before he gets here" right when she said that the guy you bumped into opens the door with three people behind him. Oh shit! "Get up" he says rudely "No" I say " who do you think you are making me move, does this seat have your name on it, do u have some voodoo shit on this chair, No so find another seat" i say everyone is flabbergasted with their mouth open. Oh god what did i do, even xian is surprised. Finally the teacher tells xian to seat right next to me. "This isnt over with" he says, oh what have i gotten myself into...This is gonna be a long day....

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2014 ⏰

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