Chapter 8-

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When I finally let go off the mortal world,  I woke up in a white room, with Luke's big goofy face smiling down at me. I missed him so much. That's when Chaos made his offer and I got my wings.

Chaos showed me what Percy said to the Gods, showed me how Artemis, who was like a mother to me, cradled my body in her arms, even showed me Poseidon crying over my body seeming to age a decade in a few seconds.

I don't trust many people, but I do trust my brother.

"Thanks for the save, but who are you?" He asked curiously.

"Erm, my name is Al... Omega," I mumbled stupidly.

"Full title," coughed Chaos, real subtle. I sighed and continued.

"I am commander Omega, leader of the armies of Chaos and the Chaotic angels, these crazy people behind me. I'm heir to the throne of Chaos, tamer and princess of shadows, wielder the shadow fire, second most powerful being in the universe. Happy?" I said turning to Chaos, giving him a small bow, knowing how much he hates it. He just smiled.

"Oh, erm, that's nice, " mumbled a bewildered Percy, "I'm Percy, soon of Poseidon, welcome to camp half-blood. I'm guessing your here to help with the war?"

"Yep, the most powerful fighting force in the universe, here to help," giving a small bow, which just made Percy smile. "According to Chaos, Chiron is allowing us to lead some training sessions and hopefully we can win this war. I'm fed up of primordials rising. You all better get some sleep, you won one battle today bit the war is not won. Yet. We'll Make introductions tomorrow. Night."

"Wait, where are you gonna sleep, it's not like you have a cabin." Asked a curious daughter of Athena.

"Leave that to me, I'm quite good at making things." A mischievous smile playing across my lips, but hidden by the hoods.

I walked to where the cabins were, going straight to the empty space next to the Hades cabin. I imagined the usual temporary mission tent, snapped my fingers and a black tent with the cross of Chaos appeared. Power of creation remember. The campers looked amazed especially the Athena kids. The angels looked tired, especially Beauty who was leaving heavily on Forge's shoulder. I waved them in, following last with a final wave to the campers, still awestruck by the tent.

"Hey your getting better,  at least it wasn't a giant teapot again. But you forgot the TV in my room. You really need to focus more Omega." Shouted Delta, I sighed, snapping my fingers, filling his room with hundreds of the thing he hates most. Books. I heard a small yelp and a string of curse words even Apollo would of been proud of. We all laughed and collapsed on our beds. Too tired to even argue.

How does everyone fit? It's the tardis on disguise. Kidding.  But of I can make it appear out of thin air, then I'm pretty sure I can add a simple enchantment. Everyone had individual bedrooms, decorated like their's on Utopia, it also had a kitchen, training room, armory and of course the games room. The literal heart of the angels.

I collapsed on my bed, preparing for my next string of nightmares to torment me.

Each night is as bad as the one before. Each night is worse.

I awoke, covered in sweat, to a very worried looking Delta. Luke, one of my best friends, he took over Percy's job. He stops the nightmares. But tonight, I want to be alone. I grabbed my shadow hood, slipping it over my pajamas and venturing outside. I headed to my favourite place in the mortal world,  one that I missed the most, the beach.

I sat down heavily, running my fingers through the soft sand, water lapping gently pet my bare feet. The small of the sea clinging to my nose, bringing back so many painful memories. I was so immersed in my old life that I missed it when someone came and sat next to me. It was only until he spoke that I snapped out of my beautiful day dream.

"Can't sleep either then," he asked, a small chuckle escaping his lips when I jumped. I've been to Tarturus and back, yet my brother can scare me.

The familiar voice tugged at my heart strings. I met his sea green eyes, sparkling with mischief,  guilt and something I see everyday day when I look in the mirror. Fear.

"Yeah, erm nightmares, you?"

"Same, no matter what I do, they keep coming." He whispered. What he said next surprised me the most. "I always thought my sister was over reacting, but it turns out she wasn't. It only makes me feel worse." He mumbled, like he'd forgotten I was here.

Same expression, endured the same things. He'd been to Tarturus. I want alone.

"I know exactly what you mean. In my whole life I've seen so many wonders, yet thing that still haunts me every night is from my life before. I find talking to someone helps you let go, you just need to talk to the right person. I talk to Delta every night but I think he's feed up of the same horror story. So tell me yours."

He told me, he told me everything. The Roman camp, what Hera did, the giants, Annabeths solo quest,  their trek through Tarturus, the Gods actually being helpful for once and finally the defeat of Gaia.

"What about you? What's your story?" I told him I was a demigod, but ignored the 'whose your parent question', what happened when I died, when I got my wings and a few of the wars we'd won over the past 5 years.

By the time we'd fished talking it was morning, campers were staying to head to the dining pavilion.

"You were right, it's feels a lot better to talk to someone who understands." He was smiling now, the starting to return to his eyes, not as haunted.

Just then I changed my clothes, love my powers, and activated my armour, while pulling out my twin daggers, twirling them around my fingers.

"Glad I could help, always here to help Percy." I started to walk to the arena, when Percy jogged beside me.

"Hey, mind if I come with you? I have a lot of pent up anger," I shrugged, secretly happy my brother wants to spend time with me, not his sister. But me.

"Just a heads up, I ha....." that's all he said, as a massive wall of black fur came bounding over and sat on him. I was trying so hard not to laugh. But it didn't really work. I was on the floor, in stitches as Percy tried to coax the hellhound off his face. When he was finally up, it proceeded to smoother him with licks, like they hadn't seen each other in years.

"Omega, if you'd stop laughing I'll introduce you to my pet. This is Mrs O'leary, my er dog. Pretty cool huh?"

"Yh I guess, but can you do this," I asked a small smile playing over my lips. I started to summon my pet. A shadow hound. A dog the size of a hellhound but derived completely of shadows. It can change its appearance but for some reason prefers a dog. Strange. He was kinda mad about being woken up, but was soon happy about having a play mate.

"This is my shadowhound, Orion. We are bound by blood to each other, so he's always with me, just in the shadows. We'd thought he would creep the campers out if he came running out of the portal, I know how scared you lot were of the angels, I didn't think Orion would help."

Percy looked awed, "he's awesome" was all he said.

We spent all morning training, trading techniques, which were actually very similar as Percy trained me. I even summoned enchanted armour from our training room in Utopia. They were harder to fight because they had demon spirits bound to them, so they fight like demons and have tatics like them too. Better than fighting each other.

Tne fun wad then ruined by a kinda pissed looking Huntress.

We were meant to be at breakfast but never showed up. I wonder why. So now we were summoned to lunch, for three reasons....

1) I hadn't introduced the angels yet.

2) the Gods wanted to meet Chaos' best warrior and shadow princess.

3) and finally the angels haven't got a table.

Unfortunately I don't own the Percy Jackson characters or locations but I do own Alexia/Omega, leave a comment about what you think so far and enjoy!

Jen x

Omega, angel of Chaos. (PJO fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now