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"There are no friends in politics."

Word Count: 1050

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Word Count: 1050

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

My mouth was gaping. Surely.

But Francesco Pazzi gave me no choice. Much like Sforza had done, I was given the option to face Florentine justice or submit to a man's will.

I chose life. I chose to work for Francesco. But I had terms of my own.

"I accept your offer," I said much sooner than Francesco had anticipated. Rising from my seat, I moved to stand before the hearth and gaze into the fire. The flame's heat felt hot against my bare skin. Against the bare flesh on my wrist where the hot brand had been seared onto my body. "I'll be your spy, Francesco Pazzi, and I'll gladly cut ties with Sforza. The man is a brute that I would very much like to escape. But I have a condition of my own if I'm to work for you."

His deep, rumbling voice murmured behind me, "Speak your terms." 

"This stays between us. You do not tell anyone. Not your brother, and especially not your uncle."

There was a pause as he considered it. Then he asked, "Is that all?"

"You'll also pay my living expenses. Food, lodging, clothes."

"That is reasonable."

I turned away from the fire to peer into the abyss of his eyes flickering with the light of the flames. "Do you accept my terms then?"

"I do. I will not tell a soul, but you will be loyal to me."

"Only to you."

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

Francesco Pazzi had no immediate tasks for me other than that I was to prove myself in any way possible. He had a meeting with the Priori the next morning, and I was to attend without being seen. If I could prove that I had been there, and he could confirm that he never saw me, then he would not doubt me again.

Surprisingly, the challenge excited me.

In the morning, my stomach was a ball of flutters and twisted knots. I was both fearful and hopeful for what the day would bring. Defying Sforza was a dangerous thing to do, and if my treachery was ever discovered, he would surely kill me in the slowest, most torturous way possible. Then there was the matter of pleasing my new master, Messer Pazzi. He was young, but that did not mean he was impressionable. Francesco had seen through my ruses much too easily. I had never been found out so quickly before. He would be a difficult master to please.

I had stayed up all night tossing and turning, only getting a few hours of sleep after I came up with my plan to infiltrate the Priori meeting. Only men would be allowed in the room. Noblemen, at that.

Using a few of my precious coins, I bought a man's outfit: pants, boots, shirt, jerkin, and a hat. I told the merchant that it was to be a gift for a man in my life, then swiftly changed into the outfit when I was alone in my apartment.

When the church bells chimed a half hour before the meeting was to begin, I headed out into the streets with my head low and my hair tucked up into the hat.

Walking into the Priori meeting was easier than I expected. Using my distinct ability to vanish, I sat in a back corner away from where other nobles were permitted to watch the proceedings. Things were already underway, so no one paid me much mind at all.

The Gonfaloniere stood to announce that Francesco Pazzi would be replacing an ancient member of the Priori no longer in good health, and Lorenzo Medici looked woefully shocked by the news.

I lifted my chin just enough to peer out from under my hat, watching the rest of the meeting unfold rather eagerly. It thrilled me to think that a woman had probably never sat in this room or heard one of these meetings. It also terrified me what might happen if I was discovered. Francesco Pazzi would not rescue me if I was caught. No one would.

Getting over his initial shock and disappointment, Lorenzo diplomatically addressed the council, bringing forth a bit of information that surprised me. Under all our noses, he had gone to visit my old master and renegotiate the treaty with Milan.

Mild applause broke out to congratulate him on the feat. Even I clapped lightly, surprised that he had been able to reason with an unreasonable man.

Jacopo Pazzi was having none of it though. He picked apart Lorenzo's eloquent words to find the hidden thorns. The new treaty would benefit Florence, but most of all it would benefit the Medici bank. Then there was the matter that increasing trade could be achieved with any other city. If trade was the goal, then Venice was a much better offer.

Though he played devil's advocate, I found some reason in Jacopo Pazzi's complaints. Francesco seemed to as well, for he echoed his uncle throughout the meeting.

Lorenzo Medici would not get his way so easily.

≿————- ❈ ————-≾

After the Priori council meeting, I slipped out before anyone else, then went to wait in an alley I knew Francesco would pass by.

He passed by alone, and I took my chance.

"I have to admit, the council meeting bored me at the end," I said as he passed by. He had not seen me lurking in the shadows.

Much like how he first ambushed me in the dark, Francesco turned to peer at me. He narrowed his eyes to get a better look, then smirked. "Forgive me. I forgot to look for you." He looked me over head to toe, making my face feel oddly warm. "I see I wouldn't have recognized you even if I did."

I pushed off the wall to stand before him proudly. "Are you really going to vote against Lorenzo at the next meeting? I heard some men whispering that the two of you used to be friends."

"There are no friends in politics," he said, though the words were hollow. Just an echo of something his uncle said to him.

"What happened between you two?" I pried.

He pursed his lips. It was unlikely he would answer, but still I had to try. "Come," he said to change the subject. "Let's work on faking your death."

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