Extra Pt.1

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Hey everyone! Today is break day dor me! I hope everyone enjoys this small extra story! If you want to read more things today I would reccommend my other two stroies! Fallen and Famous. They're really good so far and only get better! Alright enjoy this short stroy you litte goofs...

Sexy-broccli created groupchat

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: Whats the meaning of this?

Sexy- broccli: I want you to meet my friends

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: what makes you think I want to meet any of your lame friends?

Sexy-broccli adds Gravity-doesnt-exist to group chat

Sexy-broccli changes Gravity-doesnt-exist to Toe Head

Toe Head: Deku! I dont look like a toe!!

Sexy-broccli: Sorry Ochako

Sexy-broccli adds ShotoTodoroki to group chat

ShotoTodoroki: Midoryia, what is this?

Sexy-broccli: I want to show Kacchan my cool friends and brag to him with how many friends I have compared to him.

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: We need to stop hanging out so much. You're starting to turn into me

Sexy-broccli: Stop following me then

Toe Head adds Frog_Babe to group chat

Frog_Babe: Ochako, im right next to you. You dont need to text me in order to talk to me

Sexy-broccli: Oh hey Asui

ShotoTodoroki: Wow, he really does have a lot of friends

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: I dont even want to be here

Katsuki_cocky_bastard adds Rockhard-dick to group chat

Rockhard-dick: Hey whats up my main man?

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: Kiri, if I'm goingto have to struggle, you're going to have to struggle with me

Toe Head: This group chat is cancer

Sexy-broccli: You're cancer

Frog_Babe: Don't call my girlfriend cancer

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: Now its getting somewhere

ShotoTodoroki challenges Sexy-broccli to Pool

ShotoTodoroki: Sorry, I didn't know what that meant

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: Omg you're friends with a complete noob!

Sexy-broccli: It's okay

Toe Head: hebfhervbhernugyrfa

Sexy-broccli: I think she's having a seizure

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: I bet shes ass texting

Rockhard-dick:  Dude, i just spilt hot sause all over my phone and licked it up. Caronavirus who?

Frog_Babe: Sorry for Ochako's ass texting. We accidentally started making out

Sexy-broccli: Imagine being in love T^T

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: stop using those stupid ass expressions

ShotoTodorki left group chat

Sexy-broccli: Aww.. Why did he leave?

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: Probably because this chat is actually cancer

Rockhard-dick: I just dropped my phone in the toilet and licked it up. Caronavirus who?

Toe Head: ...

Sexy-broccli: ...

Katsuki_cocky_bastard: ...

Rockhard-dick: What? It's just a joke

Hopefully you all enjoyed that! I may or may not do more of these in the furture. Thanks for reading!

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