Chapter 18

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The only thing that could make the night even better, Jared thought to himself, was if he could spend it with an amazing girl. It was the first time he'd thought of Leah since people had returned to UW-Stout. It had finally gotten to the point where his chest didn't ache, his stomach didn't drop, and his mood hadn't completely gone down the shitter.

Winter break had turned out better than he thought it could've been. Madison and him had a fun, easy thing going; It was like a college version of playing house. They'd both walked out in the hallway completely naked once to shower together because fuck it, no one was around.

Jared liked being around Madison. She wasn't like most of the other girls he ever talked to; she was the brainy, overachiever type who was president of every club back home, but she surprised him when she was the one to suggest they'd keep their little fling purely just being fuck buddies.

Fine by him. Jared thought they wouldn't be great together as a couple anyways, but if she'd just want to hook up whenever she felt like, he was all for it.

He'd do whatever he could to distract himself from the one girl who really had his heart.

Jared cursed himself before he took another big sip from his drink, but there wasn't much left, so he'd set off to find the keg and refill.

Madison had her back to him as she'd refilled her cup, so Jared took the moment to appreciate the view from behind. Her long, dark hair flowed halfway down her back, to her wide hips and her perfect ass that was enwrapped in a snug pair of dark wash jeans.

Jared grinned as he'd snuck up behind her.

"Hello there, gorgeous," he practically purred right into her ear and chuckled as she'd jumped in surprise to face him.

She'd glared as she'd swatted his chest. "Dammit Jared! Don't scare me like that."

Jared shrugged, feigning innocence. "Well, I saw you bent over like that and it gave me some ideas."

Madison tried to keep her glare, but gave in and laughed.

Great as that house party was, Jared was more interested in some one-on-one action.

"What do you say we head back to the dorm and make that fantasy a reality, eh?" he suggested with a casual shrug towards the door.

Her smile slowly dropped, and she'd cleared her throat. "Jared, we shouldn't. It's not just us around anymore, and someone could catch us."

"Okay, I see, how about we make it even quicker and find a vacant room and get one more in?"

Madison snorted. "Aren't you romantic? I am not having sex at a frat party...especially one where literally everyone we know is under the same roof?"

Damn, her logic made sense, but that didn't mean he still didn't want to drag her away to some dark corner and have his way with her. Everyone else could fuck off as far as he'd been concerned, but something she'd said made him wonder.

"Well, were not doing it here, and we're not fucking in the dorms, where are we going to go then?" Jared asked.

Madison raised a single brow at him and crossed her arms. That wasn't a good sign.

"Jared. Winter Break was fun, and I had a blast with you, but I think we should cool it on the sex and go back to just being friends, okay?" she'd looked disappointed to say it, and he'd felt the same way.

"Are you absolutely sure about that?"

Madison looked around before she'd responded. "The girls and I made up, and I'll be honest that I'd completely forgotten you and Mandy used to be together, so now I have that hanging over my shoulders. I don't know how I'm going to tell her."

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