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Edmond heard the shouts from Zayn coming from behind him. He tried to find him, but he was already gone.

March came and the first task was already beginning. Zayn hasn't talked to him. "Where's Zayn?"asked Ed worried that Zayn was gone." He's locked in his room again reading"answered Rose "he'll be there in time for the first task don't worry I saw him secretly training at night" she said. "We better go to the academy"she said grabbing Ed's wrist and taking him away from Zayn's door.
"Why is he mad?"asked Ed "I don't know Jake told me he left the party and locked himself in his room"Rose answered. "I hope he's there when the task starts" said Disery walking towards them. She was dressed ready for a special event. A red long dress and her short hair was in curls. "Were going to the academy not another party" said Rose opening the door of the mansion. "I know,but you never know if Zayn wins and we have a small celebration" said Disery.

Rose started the engine of her car and hit the road towards the academy. Ed notice the day was clear and sunny but when they passed the barrier surrounding  the academy the whole sky was dark and gloomy. "Why is it like that?" Ed asked "they say the barrier is enchanted for the tasks, but sometimes I think the warlocks in our school are just trying to add some style into the academy" answered Rose. She parked  the car in front of the academy steps.

"Ed the tasks don't start till three more hours"said the headmaster"why?"asked Rose "their training Rose. Three more hours" he said and left towards the stairs. "Sorry Ed" Disery apologized sitting in the steps "just go to your classes Ed. I think we're in second period" said Rose and headed with her sister to their own classes.

Edmond had Dark magic study of defense for his first period. He entered the classroom but he found a note in the door: Class in the forest grounds. He later went to the forest grounds were a group of students stood. "Who are you?"asked the professor who stood in front of a door in the small hill behind him. "I'm Edmond Kilim" he said "I'm new here"he added. The professor only stared at him for a while later to resume his class. "I'm professor Landen" he said continuing his lecture.

"The door in this hill is behind me because in today's lesson we are going to have to go get the spell books inside their and and learn the spell inside that book meanwhile surviving the tasks at hand and all this with your partner" he said pointing at the door with his wand. "But first let us practice a bit,  get with your partner and practice defensive spells" he said leaving the student. "Wait !" Edmond called him but he was already gone. "Did I miss something?"said a blonde boy behind Ed. He had spiky dirty blond hair and was dressed in black combat jacket and brown jeans. "No" answered Ed "we were just getting in partners and practicing defense" he continued "do you have a partner!"he asked Ed "no, I was just-" "I'll be your partner" he said. He took out his wand. A black wand with burn marks ,but his didn't have a gap or the strange symbol.

"Are you new here?"he asked throwing a fireball at Edmond "how did you know?"asked Ed sarcastically dodging the fire. "Well first of all I haven't seen you in the academy and also you're not casting defense spells you're just dodging them" he answered. "I was being sarcastic" he told him. He smiled . "What's your name?"he asked "Ed" he said "Edmond Kilim" he continued. He moved back shocked "wait Edmond Kilim. You mean the one Rebus was after last time we got attacked?"he asked "I'm sorry it was my fault" Ed apologize "don't apologize it's cool to know that you kicked his ass to save people" he said making Edmond smile. "And what's your name?"asked Ed exploding the ground next to him "hey this is supposed to be a no explosives class!"he shouted "this is supposed to be defense class so defend yourself" Ed told him "I'm Hunter. Hunter Andrews".

"Edmond, Hunter you're first to go. You have exactly twenty minutes to collect the spells from the four spell books" he said. He tapped the door with his wand and the door swung open. They both stepped inside and the door closed behind them. The room they were was big full of dark marble and silver symbols covering the room. "Take out your wand you'll need it" said Hunter taking his own and Ed's his. "What are we supposed to do?"he asked  "get the and learn the spell in the book and leave" he answered "is this how you guys learn the spells?"he asked "no. Some of us can't learn it or die trying" he said "you're joking right?" "no"he answered.