the best judge results

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Let me first thank every other judge who willingly helped the writers in every possible way!

Everyone has been incredibly supportive and kind. It was actually difficult for me to choose top three and I couldn't back away either so after a long debate with me and I, I finally made a decision.

The third place goes to:


Thank you for not backing away! You have no idea how that decision shows that you are a committed person. Although having exams, you didn't step down. You judged the books even though you had exams. I personally know what kind of guilt and stress you must've gone through (since I had my 10th boards aka one of the most hyped up years in India). Thank you so much once again!

The second place goes to:


Your reviews were the best. They showed me how much dedicated you actually were to help others. When others barely sent a five line review, you wrote one or more paragraph. I'm sorry I had to cut them because typing it was a tedious job. Also, I had the easiest access to the results. The day you sent the results, I had made a choice that no matter what, you will win the best judge award.

The first place goes to:


Girl, you have no idea how much I appreciate your effort. You were literally always there to help me out when no one else was. I don't even have enough words to describe my gratitude and love. And I feel like the prizes that I've decided are not enough. So, I came to the decision that if there's any possible way I could help you in making a special book cover or be an all time reader for every book you write, please let me know. I'll be there for you.

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