chapter one.

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* crunch crunch * I was eating my apple in the awkward silence my heart stung as if a bee had gone and stung it right there and then as my mum and dad. signed the divorse papers.

* crunch crunch * I had finished my second was reaching in for my third when I remembered the truth, these divorce papers in front of me were the reason my family was seperating, why get married if all you do is tear away a big blotch in your child heart? if these divorce papers were alive, I would have did somthing to them, but instead I was hungrily feasting on apples.

* crunch crunch *

" bloody hell cassie, dont make this any harder then it is go eat that, apple some where else will ya" my dad yelled at me, truth be told it probably hurt him more than it did to me, wasnt halloween meant to be a fun day to celebrate? well apparently not. I crunched some more into my apple harder, but I knew he would not leap back out at me, he didnt want to break his heart any more.

* crunch crunch* im going to * crunch crunch* taylor paynes. * crunch crunch* since you arent going. to celebrate halloween in a good way.

* crunch crunch*

I clicked open my cellphone as I walked up stairs, % no missed calls % wait WHAT!

he didnt call he moved on, woah today couldnt get any worst.

totaylorpayne: hey hun please can I come celebrate halloween with you. luv cass xox.

tocassidyjones: no sorry my brothers and his friends are round mayb nother time? luv tay xox.

totaylorpayne: plz my parents r signing divorce paps. luv cass xox.

I sighed trust my luck, her brothers never around and when he is it had to be today.

tocassidyjones: come over me dressed as a lady pirate, dress up we having a party.luv tay xox.

dress up? party? woah calm down tay. I slipped in to my white high low dress and plastered a huge S on the front of it, for super man and put on a mask the only covered my eyes.


I walked to her house not caring about what I looked like, I skid in my tracks as I saw justin bieber and selena gomez out side of taylors house, holey shit, is that adele?

"scuse, pardon me, whoops" I said squeezing threw all the people, where the hell is she. Just as I come to a less crowded room I see her snogging reece maston? oh thats disgusting.

I turn to go but lock eyes with a boy i have never seen before, they were crystal blue and tots cute but just as I was about to say somthing a girl dressed as a cat hugged him around my face and gave me a snotty face, I ignored him and decided I would just stay in her room till most of the people calm down.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 30, 2012 ⏰

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