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Mrs. Ashveen left the room to go back to sleep. I can't help but wonder if I should turn myself in. Maybe I could go to the penthouse, but not accept it quite yet. When it's night time though, that's when everyone is awake.

What should I say to Zeve when I make it to his throne? If he even has a throne that is. He could be either the serious king, or the kidding king.

Every serious king in movies and shows never take a joke. They always take it seriously and sometimes offensive when the main character was trying to make a conversation starter. I'm not one to make jokes, especially when it's serious. But mainly in these times, the main character is trying to develop a good relationship with the king, or try not to get themselves killed.

The kidding kings always say something serious or deadly, and then laugh at the person because of their reaction. They'd feel humiliated in front of their own king. Wouldn't want to be that person either, but I also don't want to be that person that says something stupid before them.

What if Zeve is both? Possibly not but he could be. He would be neutral between joking around or being serious. It would be pretty awkward if I thought all of this, walked in, and he was something completely different. I'm just hoping he isn't bad, and will torture me since I've been "kidnapped".

I still don't want to believe that I am one of them. I never just believe something is true just because someone told me, because I always need to see the proof before believing it so. But now I have to believe it that I am one of them.

For now, I need a nap. It's been tiring even though it's only been a couple hours, but the amount of roofs I jump, I need some rest.

I hopped into the bed and fell asleep.


What is that smell? It smells familiar, too familiar. Wait, pancakes? I thought Blanzes have different apites. I stand incorrect.

My mornings are usually never greeted with the perfect smell of delicious pancakes. Either that, or just I don't eat them. I'd usually be up and I would grab a granola bar, or something small, to fill my stomach up for the morning. And since I'm gonna be here for more than a couple of days, this is my home for now.

I took a big yawn and stretched my arms over my head. That was a good stretch and I think I'll get used to the Blanzes schedule, considering I was possibly one at some point. Only thing I'm missing is probably black tentacles.

The door flew open to see Xandra with her cute freckles. She smiled at me with a plate of pancakes with a fork next to it, and a cup of water.

"I didn't know what type of drink you prefered, so I just got you water. Is that ok?" She asks so innocently, it would be hard to be mad at her.

I take the meal and said, "It's perfect. Thank you, Xandra."

Xandra smiles at me and closes the door on her way out. I turn to the side to turn on the lamp on the night stand to see what I'm doing.

I don't remember the last time I had breakfast in bed. When I did, it'd be on a national daughter's day or national women's day. My dad would be the one making breakfast for me and my mom, and then for the rest of the day we'd do something special and exciting. Now that I'm here, and I don't know where my parents are, I can't do that type of stuff anymore.

It is a bit sad, and I wish I could see them again, but so far at the moment, Xandra and her mother are the closest to family I can get right now. You know, Mrs. Ashveen is married with the "Mrs." in her name. Where was her husband? He could be working.

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