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'9:45, I enter the kitchen

'Its quiet. Too quiet.'

'Quieter than a mime artist taking a shit in a cupboard.'

*chokes on cigarettes*

'I open the fridge.'

'Somethings missing'

'Where's my tin of peaches'

'Man those peaches were delicious'

A: "Hey Valt, have you seen my peaches?"

V: "No."

'He's lying'

'He knows that I'm lying'

A: "It's just that they were here last night and there not here now."

V: "Well maybe somebody ate them?"

'Damn, I shouldn't have said that. It'll give him idea's'

'That gives me an idea'

A: "Did you eat my peaches?"

V: "No!"

'Yes, I snuck in after midnight gorged myself upon their juicy peachy goodness'

*Valt Groans*

'Just thinking about them right now makes me wanna-'

V: "Yeaahhhh~!!...."

*Aiger looks at Valt confused*

A: "Are you okay?"

V: "Yes. I was just thinking about-"

Don't say peaches

V: "- apricots."

A: "Apricots? But you hate apricots, ever since-"

V: "Beyblade Carnival Night, 2018. It was supposed to be a routine lap dance, then he cracked out the apricots."

A: "Hey man, no one saw it coming."

V: "You could've stopped it!"

A: "My hands were tied."

'I was busy taking photos.'

V: "I lost my innocence that night..."

A: "Forget it doll face, the Stone Fruit Stripper can't hurt you no more. He's doing hard time for Statutory rape rakaat."

🍑Peaches🍑 : Valt x AigerWhere stories live. Discover now