Twenty Seven.

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I brushed my wet hair with a comb. I moved my hips to the beat of the loud music echoing in the large bathroom. Tyler walked into the bathroom smiling endearingly. I smiled at him in the mirror and paused the music.

"Hey you." I smiled up at him as I found the hairdryer and brush. He sat onto the counter.
"Are you this happy because I fucked your brains out three times last night or because you're finally meeting the WAGs?" He scratched at his bare chest. I laughed at him raising an eyebrow at me. I set down the hairdryer and brush. I wiggled my body between his legs.
"I'm this happy because we're getting married." I tugged at the bottom of his basketball shorts. "I thought you were going to break up with me. You were being so distant."
"I know. Trust me, it wasn't easy." He ran his fingers up and down my arms. "You almost caught me talking to the ring designer a few times. Walking around naked. Bending over in front of me." I tried not to laugh. "You try to explain the design of a ring, to a guy, over the phone with a rock hard cock!" We both exploded into laughter. His hands cupped my face and pulled me closer. He kissed me slowly and passionately. I scratched at his chest.

"You're going to be late." I mumbled into the kiss.
"I can't go now!" He whined, grasping his growing member. "Bend over this counter." I shook my head at his request. I backed away from him and leaned against the wall.
"Babe. I still have to do my makeup and find something to wear."
"I don't care. I want to fuck my wife."
"We're not even married yet."
"Get on this counter." His voice deepened. He stood up from the counter and started to come up to me slowly. "You're either going to bend over this counter or—"
"Or what?" I mocked him. His eyes glared at me.
"Run." He said as he sprinted to me. I playfully screamed and ran out of the bathroom. I barely made it to the bedroom door before he caught up to me. I squealed at him as he slammed me against the wall. He shimmied the basketball shorts with one hand and the other hand carefully around my throat. I admired his cock with my hand but he slapped it away. I leaned back against the wall and held onto his shoulders while he lifted me up slightly by my legs. He slid himself inside of me.

"Mmmm. So wet for me." He breathed into my chest. He held onto my legs firmly as he bounced me onto his cock. "This will be fast." I nodded my head and tightened my grip on his shoulders. He sped up the pace until his cock began pulsing inside of me. "Told you." He panted into my chest.
"Now you're really going to be late." I whispered. He dropped my legs and smiled at me gently.
"I'll see you after the game, baby." I squeezed my legs together to avoid making a mess. I smiled up at him and giggled at his puckered lips. I pecked a quick kiss on his lips. I slowly began to walk into the bathroom. A slap on my butt made me laugh and turn my head to him smiling.
"I love you." I said, laughing. I motioned my hand for him to leave.
"I love you, too."


I fumbled with the VIP badge around my neck. The elevator music was calming but I was a nervous wreck. I checked my phone to see a text from Tyler before he went on the ice:

Everyone is gonna love you. Don't be nervous.
Candace will meet you outside the elevator.
I love you baby 😘

I typed back that I love him quickly before the elevator stopped and the doors opened. Candace's big smile greeted me.

"Hey future sister-in-law!" She sung, holding her arms up in the air. I hugged her tightly. "Your dad, brothers and your seriously adorable niece already went to their glass seats that Ty got for them." My smile faded.
"Shit. I was hoping for some encouragement before going in."
"Oh!" Candace's whole body popped with the word. I watched her run up to a small table with two glasses. She returned to me with the glasses. The strong scent of the alcohol flooded my nostrils as she handed me a glass. "How about liquid courage?" I nodded and hugged her the best I could. We clinked the glasses together then downed the double shot.
"Holy crap. Patron?"
"You're a lifesaver. Tha—"
"Don't thank me yet." She interrupted. She pointed to the doors behind her. "You still have to enter the 'lion's den'." We both laughed loudly. An announcement over a loudspeaker announced the beginning of the game. I held her hand as we made our way to the doors. "Ready?"
"Good." She fired back too fast for me to register. I was already feeling the shot's warmth spread throughout my body. Candace opened the doors.

"Ladies!" She announced. Every single person in the room turned to look at us. I swallowed any remanence of spit I had left in my mouth. "This is Sarah Rose. My brother's fiancé!" All the women squealed and yelled as they walked up to me. I had never seen so many blonde curls and petite frames in my life. And I used to do makeup for Fashion Week in New York. I heard a few names as they were all introduced. The only person I recognized was Katie, Jamie Benn's girlfriend. She grabbed my left hand to admire my ring.
"Oh, my god! He did damn good!" She boasted. I smiled wide and nodded my head. All the other ladies realized I had a ring to show off so they came back to hold my hand and watch the ring glisten in the florescent lights. After they all stated their compliments about my ring and how nice it was to finally meet me, Candace fought them off and pulled me to the bar.

"Can I get two shots of tequila, please?" Candace asked the bartender. The bartender nod his head.
"Make that three, please." A familiar voice said from behind me. I spun around to see Jackie smiling. "Hey you." She hugged me tightly.
"You're taking a shot, mom?"
"Of course!" She said as she released me from the hug and held me by my arms. "We are still celebrating the engagement!"
"And Ty just got a goal." Cassie added from behind us on a couch. She sipped her soda and pointed to one of the giant flat screen TVs to Tyler being hugged by the boys. His big smile gave me butterflies.
"I can't believe I'm engaged to him." I said aloud, taking pleasure in watching him skate to the bench.
"It will totally sink in when we go dress shopping!" Candace squeaked and handed us the shots.

"I was thinking.. actually.." I muttered. Candace and Jackie's eyes bolted to me. "...I would wear my mom's dress...but..." I shrugged a shoulder. I glanced at Candace and Jackie as their smiles grew wider. "...I still want to go dress shopping." I giggled. Candace bounced excitingly with me. Jackie held up her glass.
"Cheers, girls!" The three of us clinked the glasses together. We swallowed the liquid and grimaced at the burn down our throats.

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