pt. 22

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kyungsoo stepped backwards, letting baekhyun's arms fall from his shoulders.

baekhyun's chest heaved with pain at the action. it wasn't supposed to be like that. he stepped forward, his brows furrowed with concern.

"don't come near me."

baekhyun's mouth fell open at those bitter words, he didn't continue walking forward, his eyes meeting kyungsoo's teary ones.

why couldn't he understand?

"kyungsoo," baekhyun's voice was desperate, "just hear me out."

"no!" kyungsoo yelled, "you have to be joking, you have to be saying this to just work me up."

"i wouldn't do that," baekhyun shook his head, "i did it for us, you need to understand that."

kyungsoo didn't even bother to reply to that.

baekhyun just wanted to hold him, to wipe his tears away, to tell him that it's okay. this wasn't supposed happen.

"please, don't cry." baekhyun pleaded.

he hated that he caused it.

kyungsoo walked out of the kitchen towards the living room, grabbing his things hurriedly.

"kyungsoo, just wait!" baekhyun was yelling now, especially since the male wasn't even answering him.

"listen to me!" he screamed desperately at him.

but the front door fell shut.

baekhyun stood still for a second. the realisation slowly hitting him.

he messed up.

why did he think that it was going to be okay? why did his mind make him so naive sometimes?

he clenched his fists, his nostrils flaring with the desperate breaths he let out.

he was livid; he was angry at himself, but mostly kyungsoo.

he was supposed to understand. he was supposed to be okay with it.

he couldn't calm down. he couldn't stop himself. he turned to the radio that was still playing in the background; the cheery christmas music adding fuel to the fire that was burning inside of him. he grabbed it throwing it the ground, stomping on it again and again until their was no other sound other than his shaken, angry breaths.

he made his way to the kitchen.

the two plates that were empty since the dinner was still cooking started back at him.

they didn't last long during baekhyun's wrath they met the floor, smashing into tiny pieces as he swept the counter clean, other utensils clanging to the floor.

he wanted to scream, he wanted to say something to let his anger out yet he stood still.

his chest heaved up and down as pondered on what he should do, run? leave while he still had the chance?

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