The Car

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A/n: There are absurd events in this story that sends a clue for the twist/ending to enjoy :3

It's a calm morning in the spring season. Jigen is driving the yellow Fiat 500, frustrated and bored along with lupin wearing his black long sleeve shirt and yellow tie, his feet relaxed on the dashboard, above his feet is his green coat hanging on the car mirror giving the impression that Lupin is relaxed on the passenger seat and while Jigen is stressed driving.

"Lupin, get your damn feet off the dashboard it really makes it dirty and I can't see a damn thing on my right side," Jigen said as Lupin smiles at him with sarcasm.

Jigen clenches his teeth showing visible frustration. He then speeds up the car to its speed limit then steps on the break with haste causing Lupin to bump his head on the dashboard." what the heck was that all about?" Lupin asked in a dumb-founded manner.

Jigen prepares himself physically and mentally to reply amidst the rage "Well it's all about treating the car like shit! If you want me to get rid of this tone you have to work for it and be considerate about the mess you made here." Jigen turns the car back on and as soon as he does this Lupin and Jigen hear a pop and a cloud of smoke can be seen emerging from the hood of the Fiat. Jigen and Lupin get out of the car with haste and opens the hood to check the smoking engine "Awww that's the third time this month" Lupin said in a concerned calm but still in a dumbfounded manner. Jigen lets a scream out of pure stress. "That's it I have enough of the stress and screw this car!" Jigen approaches the entrance of the car and calls Lupin "hey Lupin come here!" "Yeah, what is it?" Lupin replied in a calm manner. While Lupin is approaching the door of the passenger's seat, Jigen is rolling down the window of the car door while he watches Lupin approaching him.

"Check this out Lupin" Jigen ordered. "Okay let's see what do we got here" Lupin ask in return, looking at the passenger seat and putting his and on top of the door's window that Jigen opened.

While Lupin is observing the passenger seat he felt something around his hand and hears it click. Lupin looks behind him and to his surprise, his hand is cuffed to the door and Jigen is few feet away from Lupin walking away.

"Hey! Where are you going? And what's with the bag?" Lupin asked. Jigen not looking behind replies in a calm manner "let this be a lesson to learn. Show some respect and responsibility to the car that we just acquired 3 months ago!"

"But it's not even that much of a problem and he also took the tools with him," Lupin tells himself in a whimpering tone. A mysterious voice emanates in one of the bushes. "Sure it's not a problem but think about the times you two drove the car and crashing it, not to mention it's new," the mysterious voice said. He emerges in the form of a talking car, the same model as Lupin's car.

Lupin shouts in awe and points at the talking car "A talking car?! Impossible!". "It is my friend" the talking car replied as he circles Lupin and the car. "Who are you?" Lupin asks and the talking car replied: "I'm Luigi and I own a tire shop not far from here." Lupin replied with a smile "Arsene Lupin III but you can call me Lupin" the two are complementing each other's looks and exchanging questions about their likeness and experiences.

Minutes goes by as the two formed a good bond the two look at each other intimately. "Do you like this car?" Luigi asks as Lupin puzzles. "Yes, I do. It's just that We've been working for days and I'm hungry and stuff like" Lupin replied. As soon as Luigi say something, they heard a siren and a familiar voice shouting "Lupin! We got you now! Haha!"

Lupin's face shows panic because that voice that he heard was from non-other than Inspector Zenigata. Lupin tries to crank his hand and the cuffs lose but instead, he breaks the whole car door. He smiled in relief but as soon as he looks straight on the road he notices Zenigata and a dozen men riding on an armored police van. Zenigata keeps on shouting Lupin's name and ordering him to stay right where he is. An officer then opens fires his pistol which misses Lupin by an inch. Lupin, alarmed, quickly puts the car door in front of him like a shield protecting him from gun fires.

Luigi calls Lupin "Lupin! Get on top of my roof!" Luigi ordered Lupin. As Lupin, with his hand still cuffed with the door quickly Jumps on Luigi, who begins to accelerate at an alarming speed. "Hang on tight!" Luigi shouts as Zenigata and his men chased after them. Zenigata and his men are able to catch up with Lupin and Luigi.

Zenigata went up the roof of the police van and then looks at Lupin with intimidation as he prepares to catch him.

"Haha! End of the line Lupin!" Zenigata shouts as soon as he lifts his leg to go across the two racing vehicles, Luigi decreased his speed.

Luigi then glares at Zenigata. Zenigata was surprised and in shock and awe causing him to fall off the roof then onto the hood of the armored van causing the driver of the van to lose its sight and balance.

Luigi then shouts "Lupin! Jump off now!" ordering Lupin with a sense of authority.
"Why?!" Lupin asked as he looks at Luigi with concern. "Just doing what a good car do... My friend" Luigi states with a smug attitude and a smirk.

Luigi lifts his body with force causing Lupin to let go and get launch in the air. "Luigi!" Lupin shouted while still on the air. Luigi then accelerates towards the armored police van bumping himself on it, he then proceeds to push himself and the armored police van off the canyon.

Lupin starts falling to the road. Lupin then braces for impact with the car door. As soon as Lupin crashed down he immediately stands up then looks down on the cliff. "Luigi!" Lupin shouts, clinging onto the chance of Luigi surviving the fall as he sees this as one in a hundred chance. Lupin is then puzzled why there are no sounds of the crash or a trail of any car or Zenigata, his men and the van.

His puzzled face slowly turns into a frown. "I'm so sorry, Luigi," Lupin said in a sad manner

"Jigen is right I should've taken care of the car the past months."

Lupin slowly makes his way back to his car. As soon as Lupin made his way back to his car, he frowned as the sight of the Fiat 500 reminds him of the noble sacrifice that Luigi did for him.

"Ar-sene-Lu-pin!!" a voice behind Lupin emits witch anger. Lupin turns around to see Jigen ready to punch him. "Oh no," Lupin mutters as Jigen punches right after causing a blackout.

"Lupin!" Jigen shouts causing Lupin to wake up. Lupin finds himself still at the driver's seat his hand uncuffed from the car door. Lupin noticed that everything is still in place even the car door which he broke.

"I see, it's just a dream" Lupin stated to himself.

"Lupin cut the crap. The towing truck is here." Jigen said. "Oh, okay. I'll help the towing guy move Luigi" Lupin replied.

"Who the fuck is Luigi?" Jigen asked. "Our car" Lupin smiles briefly making Jigen think about the name. "Hmm... Luigi. Nice name" Jigen tells to himself.

A redneck looking man wearing a blue cap and brown jumper and two buck front teeth appear on the other side of a brown towing truck as he connects the hook and the car. "You sure love the car then, sir. Don't worry you boys and Luigi will be good and treated well in Radiator Springs! Oh and the name's Mater, at your service sir."

Lupin notices the tires of the Fiat is flat. "Awww, the tires are flat Jigen," Lupin said in a concerning manner. Jigen smiles the pats Lupin on the back, "Don't worry, we'll get it changed." Jigen comforts Lupin "Sorry about earlier!" Jigen added as he makes his way to the passenger seat of Mater's towing truck.

Mater overheard Lupin's concern while pulling the Fiat to his truck's platform. "Don't worry sir we'll get you the best tires too," Mater assured Lupin. "Really? We need some durable racing tires then" Lupin replied.

Mater then climbs to the entrance of the driver's seat. "Racing tires? Well, you better need Luigi's tires then. Grants you the best service in town."

Lupin is taken back with Luigi's name being mentioned at the same time as Radiator Springs is mentioned. "Luigi? A coincidence then?" Lupin giggles a bit "Such coincidence." Lupin smiles and stares at the horizon.

A/n: Sorry for the Hiatus, I'm doing an art series that's why it took me long enough to finish it up also my boyfriend help me out of this :)

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