Ask Or Dare: Ask Ultimis Richtofen

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Jugger-Girl asks, "I have a question for Richtofen. Do you know what the Pythagorean Theorem is?"

Me: Surprisingly, I know this and I'm terrible at math. Go ahead Potato Boi Richtofen.

Ultimis Richtofen: Zhe Pythagorean Theorem iz an equation for geometry zhat determines von of zhe legs or zhe hypotenuse of a right triangle. Zhe legs are zhe sides und zhe hypotenuse iz zhe side directly across from zhe little box thing. Zhe equation iz a^2 + b^2 = c^2. Zhe 2 means to multiply by zhe same number twice. To find zhe hypotenuse, square zhe a und n und are them. Then take zhat number und find it'z square root. To find one of zhe sides, square zhe other side and zhe hypotenuse und subtract zhe hypotenuse by zhe side aka c - b. Then find zhat number's square root. Hope Ich helped jou on your geometry homework Ich guess *shrugs*.

Me: Thanks Richy Boi. That's all we got for those segment. Blah blah blah I'll see you in the next one bye for now.

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